Hamas-Lagerhäuser im Gazastreifen quellen über vor gestohlener humanitärer Hilfe – N12

Hamas-Lagerhäuser im Gazastreifen quellen über vor gestohlener humanitärer Hilfe – N12


  1. This feels like a slap in the face when you remember how thin one of the hostages was when they killed her. She was a thin girl anyway but less than 100 lbs as an adult? Here is all this food available.

  2. No starving people, no piles of bodies, no movement 🤷🏼‍♀️ idk how this is hard for people to see yet here we are with soooooooooooooo many people claiming to want to “free Palestine”

  3. HAMAS fucked up because they know Israel has a track record of blowing up civilians and now they have a world of hate upon them because of the fucked up situation created by them

  4. I am sure mainstream media, the UN and anti-Israel NGOs will find a way to blame Israel for this again.

  5. I’m curious if they know Hamas has stolen the humanitarian aid and is storing it in their warehouses, why don’t they steal it back. Do they not know where these warehouses are, are they in the tunnels, are they protected? What is keeping the IDF from raiding these warehouses, if not for the aid, then for denying the assets to Hamas.

  6. God fucking damnit why isn’t this screamed from mountain tops?!? Where are all the celebrities and political leaders on shit like this? I’m so fucking exhausted.

  7. When an African warlord was asked why he would systematically maim children he answered something like: for you. You westerners see photos of them and send aid, which we intercept.

  8. How do those vermin even have warehouses at this point? Hasn’t Israel been giving them the beef whistle for almost a year now?

  9. I think the most surprising thing is that hamas still has warehouses still standing even with all the Israeli bombardment.

  10. All of this sound very unhumanitarian; but consider who support Hamas: Iran, who is supported by its BBF forever, Russia. BBF? Butt Buddy.

  11. They can use this to locate Hamas. The closer you get to the Hamas command centers, the fatter the people are.

  12. While, if true, absolutely a massive issue to be addressed. One must also consider the source. Jpost isn’t exactly known for unbiased reporting on basically anything ever.

  13. Fucking Hamas.

    You know what? Flood the zone so its overflowing with food, at least people we get some aid then.

  14. This crisis will never end until Palestinians take responsibility for themselves and their future.

    The protestors can blame israel all they want, but at some point you need to hold the Palestinian people accountable. And if their only accountability is more corruption, more terrorism, more war crimes, then well….israel is already responding to that kind of accountability.

  15. Is anybody gonna point out how vague and contextless the actual quotes are? The quoted “transmissions” are entirely compatible with the supplies about to be transferred to a hospital; how do you know that isn’t what was happening?

    Oh right you know because the headline fits your prejudices. It’s cool I get it.

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