Future Ukrainian F-16 pilots in Romania started their training

Future Ukrainian F-16 pilots in Romania started their training

by Sharp_Win_7989

  1. **English translation of the article on the** [**Dutch MoD website**](https://www.defensie.nl/actueel/nieuws/2024/09/13/toekomstige-oekraiense-f-16-vliegers-in-roemenie-begonnen-aan-hun-opleiding)**.**

    The first Ukrainian soldiers who are being trained as F-16 pilots in Romania, have started. They will receive their theoretical training at the European F-16 training centre at Fetesti air base. This was set up on the initiative of the Netherlands, among others, which has also made 18 F-16s available for the training purpose. 14 of these F-16s have so far been transferred to the training centre in Romania. The Ukrainian pilots are expected to make use of it towards the end of the year. Then they will start the practical lessons.

    Minister Ruben Brekelmans: “Another great step that the first Ukrainian pilots have now started their training. They will lay a solid foundation at the European F-16 training centre so that they can defend their country against the incessant Russian attacks with the fighter aircraft. We will continue to work together with our allies to strengthen Ukrainian air defence. This is urgently needed.”

    **F-16 coalition**

    The Netherlands, together with Denmark and the United States, took the lead in training Ukrainian F-16 pilots. The three also play a leading role in the delivery of F-16s to Ukraine by an international coalition. This is led by Major General Arnoud Stallmann.

    In addition to the F-16s for the training center, the Netherlands is also delivering 24 F-16s to Ukraine. The fighter aircraft are intended to help the country in the war against Russia. Due to operational security, communication about these deliveries is cautious.

  2. I wonder if the US also forbids ukrainian pilots to shhot down russian pilots on bombing missions behind the border with amraams

  3. the bad thing is this training takes like 6months at the very least, most recommend a year. I figured Ukraine would’ve been pushing to get this sorted out way back when they got confirmation they were gonna get F-16’s but it’s probably not even their fault. This is frustrating part of bureaucracy sometimes

  4. Romanian here. I wish we did more to help Ukraine, and I’ve find especially embarrassing the delay of the patriot.
    Just a second thought: dcs world ( setup an advanced virtual cockpit) is said to save several hours of flight, according to a flight instructor of civilian airplanes. And watching f16 pilots giving it a try they were convincing. They were even doing high G breathing while turning.
    As Ukrainians are so resourceful, did anybody consider a pre-program of training based on this simple idea? I always thought that simulators for pilots are too complex (and of course they are) but I think it’s a place for this improvisation

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