‘The end of Schengen’: Germany’s new border controls put EU unity at risk • Critics say tightened land border checks a ‘transparent’ bid to appease far right that breaches free movement rights

‘The end of Schengen’: Germany’s new border controls put EU unity at risk • Critics say tightened land border checks a ‘transparent’ bid to appease far right that breaches free movement rights


Posted by Naurgul

1 comment
  1. Rage Bait as usual. It is just a pressure to finally act at the EU borders.

    What does the Schengen Agreement say:

    Controlls in general are allowed in times of crisis regarding public health or security. They are not allowed to stop any EU citizen or even allowed to hold them up for long without cause.

    As usual there will be two lines at the border crossing. One where EU cars will be driving through without being held up, and another one where suspicious buses or else will be directed. Then there will be a passport check/document check and if no illegals are inside you are free to go.

    This is happening at Austria-Germany borders since 2015, or Slovenia-Croatia. Not a big deal, even for tourist or travel agencies with large buses it never takes longer than 10 minutes delay.

    Essentially it is similar to Republicans vs Democrats on border issue: Shipping them to Blue States has forced them to act finally in Washington, which thanks to Trump was killed. Same strategy is behind that. The 27 only act when there are problems.

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