Putin’s red lines crossed as Ukraine effectively brings war to Russia

“Putin is a bully. He has rattled the nuclear saber over 100 times.”

Ukraine has “very effectively” crossed Putin’s “red lines” and “brought the war to Russia”, says former special advisor to Ukraine’s foreign minister Cormac Smith.

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  1. The cold hard reality is that you can't win a defensive war that is being fought entirely on your soil. In order to win you must go on the offense, and you must hurt the infrastructure of your attacker.

  2. Don't underestimate a Nuclear power. At one point he will use it if provoked. We will all be affected. Don't mistake restraint for weakness. Donald Trump said it well, he has nukes and he might used them and at the end of the day we will all suffer. Stop gunning for war please! Stop it . We keep talking about nukes nukes as if its something of a joke. The threat is real. Stop trying to bring America to wars and frankly many of these same allies wish America's downfall and We as Americans we are smarter.

  3. people like him keep saying we keep crossing his red lines and he does nothing, but what happens when he launches nukes? and comparing Churchill and England to now was pre nukes…..im not saying that we shouldnt unleash the hounds, im just saying the logic doenst hold up

  4. The US imposition of its major De-escalation position on the EU and Ukraine is unfortunately the same policy ot pivoted towards in promoting its corporate globalization for the past 30 years. It is the US globalization foreign policy steeped in appeasement of tyrants, dictators, and strongmen, rendered the UN impotent, enriched criminal networks worldwide, and failed to deter Russia's, and China's imperial aggression and the tyrannical rule of Saudi Arabia, Iran, and Israel. The US policy of appeasement and de-escalation brought us Russia invading its neighbors and committing war crimes with impunity. It brought us Israel's illegal occupation of Palestine and the return of the Afghan Taliban.

  5. So a nuke EMP? Goodbye Diego Garcia?
    I believe Biden & UK by allowing larger faster missiles into Russia, and the probability that any hesitancy by Putin, will be over-ruled so –
    My guess at Russia's initial retaliation?
    Will it be a near space, or an over the South Pole, hypersonic EMP attack?
    Aimed where?
    First a smaller demo over Diego Garcia?
    Then where?
    West Ukraine; Guam; or if it's UK's above say a Scottish submarine base??

  6. Puttin who🥱 oh that manipulating psychopath the madman who only looks at the history and doesn’t look at the future of his country which is collapsing

  7. Puny Putin, Short Man, Big Man of War Crimes, wanted by the ICC, little lying man. Puny, Lavrov, Peskov and Medvedev could make Russia a great country contributing to a unified world's growth through the multilateral sharing of knowledge, truth, science, humanitarian support and medical research. But NO, Puny Putler wants to destroy democracy in the democratic countries of the world.

  8. Whatever the little man has to do, he has to do! But it is time he quits and goes home or gets defeated! If he has more war in him, or if he thinks he can take NATO, it will have to be! There can be no breaks, truces, or cease fires!

  9. Rukraine Kiev 🕎 Jerusalem / The economical limbo Washington or better say wall ⛽🏦 street 🙏 Washington has never existed only briefly 🏔🌎🪰Is 1492 Remember/1492 Remenbre Washington is not 390 BC / however the Americas 🌎 MADURO 🧑 ⛽🚨as you can perceive Washington is in Ukraine claims you are in cuba no different than 1962 and those that give up liberty for security deserve neither security nor liberty 🗽 Benjamin F and the 2024 realm 💪war is peace ✌ ART 🎨🖼🎶 is reason / ignorance is weakness when you are enslaved for your own good.🛡🌎🏔🍁☘

  10. Brainwashing how to fix it / not easy / in 1914 & 1939 as we know the useless go to the battle field the master look at a distance what happens on the battle field .2024 is quite different & 1984 which is already here begun in Britain with a nuclear explosion 🤔 the beginning of 1984 Orwell OCEANIA as literature as fact you are in 1984 Now sep 2024.what is missing is the nuclear ☢ explosion 🤔

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