Had a break in while I was ill in bed

A burglar broke into my flat mid day while I was resting in bed from a bad cold.

I was on medication so I was fast asleep. I woke up, went to the kitchen and found my MacBook on the bridge, coat and tote bag on the kitchen floor. At first I thought I sleepwalked, but then I checked my CCTV and saw a low life struggling to get out of my front door!

He must have climbed the scaffolding, then broke in through my opened kitchen window. He only took my wallet and a pack of cigarettes, I got lucky this time.

I reported it to the police but the burglar was fully covered and wore gloves so there isn’t much the police can do.

It is frustrating to think that the burglar was in my flat taking my belongings when I was sleeping in the bedroom!


by spacecat033

1 comment
  1. Happened to my friend they got his front door opened took his car keys in the middle of the night they got in his car but luckily he was taking a shit in middle of the night and heard them ran out caught the guy.. watched it all on his security footage.. so scary!!

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