Sahara desert hit by extraordinary rainfall event that could mess with this year’s hurricane season

An unusual deluge of rain is hitting the Sahara, one of the driest regions on Earth. It's unclear exactly why the desert is experiencing so much rain, but it could be connected to an especially quiet Atlantic hurricane season, scientists say.

The rain is so heavy that some usually dry regions of North Africa are now experiencing monsoons and flooding, with parts of the Sahara predicted to see five times their average September rainfall.

Precipitation in the Sahara overall is not completely uncommon — the region is huge and diverse, and some parts often receive small amounts of rain, Moshe Armon, an atmospheric scientist at the Federal Technical University (ETH) Zürich, told Live Science. But now larger portions of the Sahara are being inundated, including areas further north where it's usually drier, Armon added.

by Ifeelsiikk

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