Pasta evangelists has become really bad

Most of their reviews on google are based on the pasta making events they do, and not really as a "restaurant".
I spent £20s+ on mac n cheese and cake, their portion size has become 5-6 spoonful basically. Cake always comes melted btw. It used to be good, but this has happened to me very occasionally to a point where i have accepted this low as their standard. Just wanted to make people aware that deliveroo rating doesnt mean anything.

(Ps i had two spoons of pasta from the box)

by Intelligent_Will_948

  1. Got i a few weeks ago wasnt this bad but still not great. Coco di mama is much better had a delivery kitchen where i used to live

  2. It never really hits the spot. Had it a couple times a few years ago. Always left with the feeling I could do it myself so much better with minimal effort.

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