Vance Describes Plan to End Ukraine War That Sounds a Lot Like Putin’s

Vance Describes Plan to End Ukraine War That Sounds a Lot Like Putin’s

by gentle_badger

  1. Hopefully the gifted article link works for the masses, but if not, here is the text: (1/x)
    Senator JD Vance outlined a peace plan to end the war in Ukraine. But objectively, it [sounds a lot like Vladimir Putin’s.](

    Mr. Vance’s critics immediately said he had described a Russian victory, while his supporters said he had offered the only realistic path to peace.

    In an [interview]( with “The Shawn Ryan Show” that was posted on Thursday, Mr. Vance, the Republican vice-presidential nominee, was asked about former President Donald J. Trump’s plans to end the war.

    Mr. Vance said Mr. Trump would sit down with Russians, Ukrainians and Europeans and say, “You guys need to figure out what a peaceful settlement looks like.” He went on to outline what he thinks a deal would entail: The Russians would retain the land they have taken and a demilitarized zone would be established along the current battle lines, with the Ukrainian side heavily fortified to prevent another Russian invasion.

    While the remainder of Ukraine would remain an independent sovereign state, Mr. Vance said, Russia would get a “guarantee of neutrality” from Ukraine.

    “It doesn’t join NATO, it doesn’t join some of these sort of allied institutions,” Mr. Vance said. “I think that’s ultimately what this looks like.”

    Victoria J. Nuland, a former senior State Department official who helped shape the Biden administration’s Ukraine policy, said Mr. Vance’s plan was very similar to what Mr. Putin had repeatedly offered as peace terms.

    “This is essentially the [proposal put forward in February,](” she said. “And why? Because it is a great gift to him.”

    The Kremlin’s terms for ending the war have focused on Russia keeping the territory it has captured and forcing Ukraine to become neutral, meaning it would not join the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Biden administration officials have long insisted those demands amount to capitulation, not negotiation.

  2. Vance is so dumb that he has to whistle when he shits so he knows what to wipe when he’s done shitting.

  3. I genuinely believe russia have compromising information on trump (“island” type? financial crimes? etc). and that’s why he’s like a lapdog for russia in fear of these information getting leaked.

    Vance is just parroting what trump says.

  4. Anyone else remember when Republicans had spines and weren’t useful idiots in the employ of America’s enemies?

  5. In the past US politicians had some understanding of geopolitics and consequences of letting dictators do what ever they please. Today it seems that only thing they comprehend is “nuke make big hole”.

  6. I highly doubt he would get off his couch long enough to make a plan of his own, so that checks out.

  7. Ironic that Trump complained Harris was copying his economic proposals (not tax on tips) and it turns out the Trump campaign is copying from Putin.

  8. F’ing Vance and Trump’s idea of peace: “The burglar who broke in and assaulted your wife and killed your children gets to keep your TV, Computer and Jewelry, and you give him assurances you won’t go to the police.”

  9. Capitulation. That’s Trumps’ M.O. Capitulation to the Taliban and now capitulation to Putin. Didn’t he also leave some allies in Syria high and dry. He never gave it a second thought. He was the Coward in chief and now he’d like to resume that role.

  10. Trump & Vance are clearly Russian assets; wtf are our alphabet agencies doing about it???

    C’mon IRS and DEA, get your “wet work” guys on the job

  11. Vance is parroting the broligarchs’ point of view, which happens to be heavily influenced by Meersheimer and Putin. Those selfish jackholes don’t want to live under a Putinist Regime, but they do want to build a similar model – with the broligarchs as the new Siloviki.

  12. Why wouldn’t it not sound a lot like Putin’s. His running mate is a Putin cock gobbler. Fuck Vance and Trump.

  13. Putin now has twin cock holsters: the mouths of both Trump and Vance.

    Like I saw after the debate Trump cultists insisting Trump’s failure to declare support for a Ukrainian victory didn’t mean he wanted Russia to win, but of course the Trump/Vance ticket’s idea of “peace” is complete capitulation to the Kremlin.

  14. And still, I have friends on the more conservative side. They think that Trump presidency will be good for Ukraine. I don’t know what world they are living in. The parrot saying that Russian didn’t invade during Trumps time. Insane

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