Member states of Council of Europe in 2024

Member states of Council of Europe in 2024

by DrNeutrino

  1. This is why I think Turkey is geopolitically in Europe, while Russia is not (or is at least more Eurasian). Turkey actively participates in nearly all European organizations and, although not a member, remains an official candidate for the European Union.

  2. This is the map of countries that, in my opinion, the European Union should ultimately include through enlargement, once all the necessary criteria are met, of course.

  3. Note that in January this year – the Council of Europe **SUSPENDED** Azerbaijan due to Azerbaijan’s *“violent displacement of people”* from Nagorno-Karabakh.

    Those who voted to suspend Azerbaijan have now been banned from entering Azerbaijan, and Aliyev (the dictator of Azerbaijan) has said that unless the Council of Europe parliamentary assembly allows Azerbaijan back in – the ban will not be lifted.

    In fact Azerbaijan’s member of the Council of Europe has demanded that Europe *“must beg”* for Azerbaijan to return.

    In response, the president of the parliamentary assembly of the Council of Europe said this act by Aliyev to ban the majority of the members of the Council of Europe will *“backfire”* on Azerbaijan.


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