Racist rants? Multiple affairs? Multiple felonies? Nah, just lost his job because of this photo.

Racist rants? Multiple affairs? Multiple felonies? Nah, just lost his job because of this photo.

Posted by perfect_square

  1. Hey my guys crimes were less severe or something. Like wtf? This shits so weird you either have a higher standard or you don’t, and if you don’t then you’re the same as them. I guess that’s why so many of you are ok with genocide.

  2. I am good with living in a world where this is unacceptable and he would lose his career in politics over it. There is little chance that the one and only time he was getting creepy was caught on picture.

    But… then everyone should be help to the standard and most the repubs would be out on their ass.

  3. Al Frankin did the Me Too movement a real service resigning. It signaled accountability on the left and for politicians. Frankin seemed express genuine regret (in my opinion), and has gone on to work on a variety of noteworthy projects. I guess what I’m saying is, that is exactly how I hoped someone in that situation would react

  4. Arguing about Al Franken does not help address any of the numerous urgent problems facing us ***right now***.

  5. Love him, but I’m ok with that. WTF? I never got why so many fellow democrats thought this was fine.

  6. It’s innappropriate and a DUMB immature joke, but we’re involved in a format of civil war, don’t execute your best shooters.

  7. What Al Franken did was absolutely shitty and deplorable, and he was right to resign.

    I just wish that he was the rule, not the exception.

    As far as I know he never whined or complained about being one of the only ones who did the right thing. I may be wrong – I’d love to learn about it if I am.

  8. Cancel culture has to have a path to redemption in cases or it’s meaningless. We have to believe people can get better.

  9. He didn’t even “lose” his job.
    He resigned his job to take the high road and show accountability and remorse.
    Unheard of concepts with these MAGA animals.

  10. It wasn’t just that photo.  It was several women saying he grabbed their butts or forced kisses.  That’s what did him in.  

  11. Not defending him here. It was wrong and he shouldn’t have done that. And I’m all for him taking accountability and repenting in whatever form that takes shape. Having said that, I can’t get the feeling that Franken got played with how it all played out

  12. That picture was before he was in office and it was a stunt that the woman in the picture was in on the whole time. There was no reason for him to resign especially since he called for a proper hearing on the matter. She downplayed the indecent but other women came forward and complained that he hugged them for too long when taking pictures. That’s right he HUGGED them too long during picture taking sessions.

    No. This man was railroaded for a few reasons; the governor was a Dem, he had no ambitions for president or deep Washington connections, a woman was lined up for the MN senate position PDQ, he was not a massive donor magnet for the DSCC and was too clean to fall in line with the others when it came to looking the other way. Senator Menendez on the other hand, who was up on corruption charges was a massive donor magnet with deep beltway connections and so got no push back or asked to resign from his job.

  13. Al Franklin never should have resigned. I still can’t believe the Democrats and the media pressured him so hard to resign over what was obviously a joke. He was legitimately one of the best Democrats in Congress at the time smh

  14. It’s amazing how the left will forgive this behavior just because he has the “correct” political views

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