Climate protesters are taking action against Big Oil. UK courts are handing them prison terms akin to rapists and thieves

Climate protesters are taking action against Big Oil. UK courts are handing them prison terms akin to rapists and thieves

by crustose_lichen

  1. This kind of sentencing is absolutely dystopian and disgusting, but blocking streets is not a meaningful way of “taking action against Big Oil” either.

  2. Going to jail for protesting the killing of our planet, sentences out of proportion into crazyville time. 

    What world are we living in? I just can’t process this type of info anymore, this makes no sense, none. 

    We have sincerely lost the plot.

  3. > Big Oil’s donations to the UK government

    > Big Oil has poured money into think tanks and charities that have had an influence on climate and protest laws. At least two think tanks that have received funding from fossil fuel companies made campaign donations to the ministers overseeing the legislation. One — the right-wing Policy Exchange — drafted a report that essentially served as a blueprint for one of the laws.

    > Despite its plans to transition to a net-zero economy by 2050, the previous Conservative government issued hundreds of new permits to further explore the North Sea’s oil and gas reserves in 2023, against the recommendations of climate scientists and the International Energy Agency.

    > The recently elected center-left Labour government has pledged to stop new licenses — but the tough policing laws remain.

    It’s worth noting that this is better reporting than most of the UK media manages.

    At this point, the mainstream media and the political class are effectively the same social class so it’s no wonder that there is f all meaningful scrutiny of politicians and their actions now. As a journalist, you can’t go exposing all the dirty secrets of the uniparty without committing career suicide.

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