London and Washington confirms that US and Uk already agreed on allowing Unkraine to strike Russia with cruise missiles and ignoring Putin’s warning. They haven’t annouce yet, but it will not be long for the confirmation.

London and Washington confirms that US and Uk already agreed on allowing Unkraine to strike Russia with cruise missiles and ignoring Putin’s warning. They haven’t annouce yet, but it will not be long for the confirmation.

by Nurfturf06

  1. One would think that confirmation will come with the sounds of explosions deep inside of Russia.

  2. About time, should have been allowed 2 years ago.

    Hopefully this will lead to more refineries and ammo depots going boom really soon.

  3. I had no doubts about this, it looks like USA and UK are more interested to escalate than Eu is, probably because it is the EU who is going to pay for all this mess anyway.

  4. My gut tells me, the Elites… the Powers that be want WW 3 to kick off, it only benefits the big banks, the defense industry, but also I think to prevent the US dollar from being replaced as the world reserve currency, China, Russia, other nations want to replace the us dollar for global transactions… which would be very bad for the US unfortunately… this fall is going to be a shit show

  5. Not sure why they would feel the need to announce it. Why do people expect announcements about military planning?

  6. As soon as it was announced that AGM-158 JASSM was headed to Ukraine it was obvious this announcement was coming.

  7. they’re probably

    * giving russia a chance to back off, or
    * the US is waiting for confirmation that there are indeed iranian missiles in russia, or
    * waiting for russia to use them before confirming that Ukraine can now use US weapons in russia

  8. How would the USA react if they were in Ukraine’s position and they told the USA that they can’t use weapons to defend themselves! Fuck them, they’re nowhere near Europe and didn’t care about us during ww2 and only got involved when Japan attacked them!

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