Leak at First CO2 Injection Site in US Exposes Dangerous Folly of Carbon Capture

Leak at First CO2 Injection Site in US Exposes Dangerous Folly of Carbon Capture


by crustose_lichen

  1. Back into the atmosphere it will eventually go, right next to the other CO2 it was supposed to “offset”

  2. I’m sure the oil refinery’s and coal power plants and NG plants have nothing to say because they’re so clean and safe.

  3. > The facility operator is Archer Daniels Midland (ADM), an agribusiness giant that has received hundreds of millions of dollars in federal funding for carbon capture and storage (CCS) efforts-with underwhelming results.

    The insanity of giving an ENORMOUS corporation HUNDREDS of millions of dollars …

  4. The idea that we can continuosly inject a gas into a geologic formation and that it won’t leak either from the injection system or the formation is laughable. I don’t have or need any scientific information to back this up. Even a child can see how this will not work. For similar reasons I doubt the viability of compressed air storage systems working at acceptable efficiencies.

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