This is typical weather in Scotland, right?

This is typical weather in Scotland, right?

by winepimp1966

  1. It actually is for this hour of the morning, days often start clear and bright, and so cold, but usually by 8am the clouds have rolled in, if they have not arrived yet, just wait, they will turn up, promise 🙁

  2. I think we just tell everyone the weathers bad to manage numbers. It’s nice more days than it’s terrible 

  3. Yes.

    Dunno where all the weather moaning comes from, and I live in Shetland!

    It’s been scorching since the end of April. Even last night we were sitting outside watching the Northern Lights, no jackets needed, really pleasant.

  4. You mean the cold with sun out, followed by an outpour of rain, followed by the most roasting sun? Because I was both freezing and sweating the past few days. Not being able to pin down the weather seems normal, it’s why people talk about it so much.

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