‘Our winter fuel payment goes into the holiday kitty

‘Our winter fuel payment goes into the holiday kitty


by ducksoupmilliband

  1. There’s little doubt that for some people the financial assistance comes at a time of their lives when they don’t need it.

    However, for me the winter fuel allowance is about assisting people because their bodies are vulnerable. Body temperature doesn’t regulate efficiently and often the individuals might be at home a lot of the day, requiring it to be heated. Maybe an opt-out could have been implemented for people who don’t need to claim it.

    The NHS works in a similar way, it’s based on clinical need not financial status. State education is the same. Is this government more about financial status than need/vulnerability?

    Edit: domestic- some

  2. Just know this interview is done to lessen support for people actually needing it. Because media is just fucking disgusting and worse than the politicians these days

  3. It should be means tested or added on to the benefits of people already means tested. My father in law didn’t want the winter fuel payment and asked for it to be stopped but they kept paying it. He thought it should go to people that really needed it.

  4. This story does smell a little. Yes we’re cutting fuel payments, so here’s some who just use it for holidays, or give it away to justify that decision. However as we’re the BBC and impartial, at the bottom of the article we’ll quickly cover someone for whom it will cause difficulties.

  5. >Jon, a retired police officer, tells us “it’s about time” the rules changed as “there are people who need it more than me”

    So why didn’t he donate it to a local charity, food bank, homeless shelter, etc.

  6. My Nan isn’t well off, and just lives off the state pension, she’s 93 and already struggles to get by, sometimes me and my parents have to help her with groceries.

    This is a cruel.

  7. I see Kiers public manipulation team is hard at work again. Why is it anything Kier is doing that is unpopular with the public there is conveniently some news or coverage that is basically telling the people you are wrong for your opinion? Why has this never been an issue before?

  8. My partners parents give theirs without fail every year to charity as they too don’t need it.

  9. While I wholeheartedly agree it should be means tested, it shouldn’t have been taken away on short notice, people (us included) have already budgeted including it. As we don’t receive pension credits – because I work full time – we won’t be getting it this year. This is a knee jerk reaction to be seen to be making cuts but I believe there are other places it could have come from.

  10. This is bizarre.

    Rewind 10 years, and you have Right Wing Media (encouraged by the Austerity Dave Cameron Gov) frothing at the mouth presuming that Benefit scroungers and Disabled are using payments for “free holidays!!”. Trying to encourage Britain to believe Social Payments need to be reduced or stopped, which worked.

    Now we have a Labour Government wanting to means test a Social benefit payment and they are frothing at the mouth about Labour trying to reduce a Social Payment? Seriously?

    They literally only think what ever THEY decide at any given moment is the correct way, even if they complete contradict that decision a few years later.

  11. Why are we paying this money directly to the fucking pensioners?

    Why are the utility companies not been engaged directly to provide a winter discount?

  12. Most of the wealth in the UK is held by the elderly, we live in a trickle down economy. This was the right move to make.

  13. Winter fuel payments should go to all that actually need them, pensioners or not. Poverty doesn’t discriminate by age.

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