China uses LinkedIn to recruit academics for espionage, Czech intelligence warns

China uses LinkedIn to recruit academics for espionage, Czech intelligence warns

China uses LinkedIn to recruit academics for espionage, Czech intelligence warns

by Robert-Nogacki

  1. >“These studies generally serve as a preliminary step towards further cooperation, involving the provision of specific information,” the BIS report also warned.

    >Once initial contact has been established, Chinese operatives often invite academics on all-expenses-paid trips to China. These visits are used to cement relationships and create a sense of commitment to Chinese interests.

    Didn’t Russia employ a similar tactic with politicians in Europe whom it considered to serve Russian interests? I can remember stories about politicians in that category being received in Moscow with a red carpet, being pampered for the duration of their stays. “Of course, we don’t talk about allegiance, right? It is not as if we bought you, but we would *like it very much* if you *continued to agree* with us on our *shared concerns*. “

  2. No employer ever reached out to me via LinkedIn (even tough I constantly receive messages like “your profile was viewed 40- 50 times this week”) but I got a plentora of calls from various sellers of pots/photovoltanic instalations/insurance companies etc.
    After removing my phone number and reducing my last name to just a few letters – those calls ceased like with the touch of a magic wand 😉

    So whoever thinks that LinkedIn will help you with your career … think again.

  3. Do they also use Reddit? Because I always wanted to be a spy but I don’t have a Linkedin account.

  4. All Chinese students are already actively engaged in espionage when they study here. Whenever they return to china they can be questioned and have to tell them everything about what they experienced here.

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