In just one year, FC Barcelona has faced over €130 million in interest and opening costs for Espai Barça financing. Experts predict (with possible refinancing and market changes) that the final cost, including interest, could reach €3 billion, double the approved €1.45 billion in financing.

by PauCubaresi

  1. bullshit. how can u have less than 7% interest on what would be around 1.35 billion and it exceeds 135m just in interest. math doesnt math.

    its another article to put shit on barca due to us doing so damn well. madrid is in shambles playing like shit we have positive news regarding our injured players while they have no solution to their infigting between the 4 attacking players.

    this is not how finances work. at all.

    nr 1 u dont loan 1.3 billion on day one for the whole thing. first phase is camp nou thats around 550m to 650m. even with amortization of that “loan” it wouldnt be anywhere near 100m let alone 130+ barca has put aside a big chunk of money for this thing so no issue there.

    nr 2 barcas loan for camp nou averages out for around 3.5%-4% maximum annualy. even if it was 3 billion it would still not be 130m in interest alone.

    nr 3 stop taking everything about barca so seriously. good or bad. at the moment barcas pr machine is in full go and the anti barca pr machine has been in full go for a few years now. and it will only get worse.

    nr 4 no way in any way shape or fucking form would laliga allow barca to build this stadium knowing it could ruin us with slightest fucking delay or extra cost. the stadium is within 1-2 weeks of set up date and is under budget. where would the cost come from? the total of 1.35b is with interest and all of that included u dont count just cost of building and not loan/debt cost not a single freaking business does business this way. madrid calculated 650m for their stadium ended up costing 1.4b due to that damn roof and floor. barca took a simpler way out no retractable roof. no weird floor that just makes the grass shit. maintenance an utter nightmare and so on.

    nr 5. if this had any chance of failing this way no 1 would barcas board allow it and planned for it for almost 10 damn years. they might be sleazy ppl like laporta but they arent stupid ppl.

    nr 6 just a bunch of feeling no facts no reason to why it would cost that much nada just made up figures that has no anchor in reality. sickening really. more made up stuff for another hit piece on laporta to drag barca down becuase real has started the season like shit and barca has been godly. nothing to fucking see here.

  2. In other words, as it was always transparently said, Barça got a loan for the stadium. The loan was at variable interest rate, so the rising Euribor just made the total creep up a little. Original interest rate was 6%, now it is 7%, when Euribor goes down interest will go down again.

    Doing some quick numbers, it seems a 20 years loan, so it I estimate it moved from ~2.8B total to ~3B total.

    Edit: I see Marca did the same rough estimation I did, a year and a half ago.


  3. Posted on reddit by Madrid supporter. All of this is coming from font. All these tactics will be used to destabilize laporta and call for a early election next season. The financial changes laporta has done to stabilize Barca are coming good. Hence don’t need to believe these reports, just read it and disregard it.

    These Madrid bums will report on Barca.

  4. what a non-news article.

    what a difference with Real Madrid where their bad news never get coverage. They aren’t allowed to have concerts until March of 2025 because of noise and now they’ll have to work on insulating it due to noise complaints. You’d think they would add that to the costs of the stadium.
    Some people supposedly have Barca in their best interest but it’s clear their personal gain is really what matters most.

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