Top five MAGA excuses for Trump’s debate performance (even tho he won, lol)

Top five MAGA excuses for Trump’s debate performance (even tho he won, lol)

Posted by kalamazoo43

  1. kamala obviously had abc shine invisible nullifying rays on trumps head which made the electric signals which carried the memories of his great plan short circuit

  2. It’s odd but what bothers me the most is how absolutely confident they are in what they are saying with absolutely nothing to back that confidence up. The words come out of their mouths like they have the evidence written in stone in their pocked.

  3. *Well, you see, he won because he was so strong against the librul media forces and librul, communist Kamala.*

  4. Don’t let these excuses distract you from the fact that their god emperor had the last word on every single question and spoke for 5 more minutes than his opponent and still lost the debate.

  5. That’s what you get when you worship a bumbling moron while simultaneously trying to pretend that someone who was a prosecutor is somehow unintelligent.

  6. If Kamala is a witch I’d be so excited. First magic wielding president in human history.


  7. I haven’t seen this one reported yet:

    ABC provided podiums with a vinyl trim, which distracted Trump because it reminded him of his new girlfriend.

  8. When I read something like this my first thought is. “Why can’t he succeed in spite of that? It’s not like it’s unreasonable to expect someone who’s vying for president to be able to maneuver in this situation.”

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