Schools are removing analogue clocks from exam halls as teenagers “cannot tell the time” – Canuro

Schools are removing analogue clocks from exam halls as teenagers “cannot tell the time” – Canuro

Schools are removing analogue clocks from exam halls as teenagers “cannot tell the time”

Posted by Additional-Egg213

  1. I wouldn’t be surprised if it (also) was because with reflections and big halls and what not you might not see what time it is, more than not being able to read it.

  2. Cant get my head around seeing that there’s some students who cant read a clock and thinking the answer is to cater to it instead of fixing the problem.(special needs aside).

  3. Teach them in less than an hour, like other generation previously? My kids came back home with 2 pages of exercices about it, we did it in 20 minutes and they were good for the rest of their lives, wtf…

  4. They also can’t use pagers, rotary dial, dialup modems and traps for mammoths. Shame on them. Why older people recently so obsessed with critiquing younger generation for not understanding analogue clocks?

  5. This is one of those fake internet stories about “kids today!” to get engagement. Next it will be a story about cursive. Or they can’t do math because of calculators. Or there are litter boxes in classrooms for furry kids. Etc. You can easily google the premise to get the actual context and situation that’s described.

    Children are still taught to tell time in school and can read analog clocks. And I’m old enough to remember when there were no digital clocks and there were always some kids that did have a difficult time reading a clock face correctly. It’s not a new problem caused by digital clocks.

    I think it’s ironic that a story about children losing basic skills because of technology is written by AI.

  6. This is strange. It may be a thing with “oh, everybody at my school were fine with it, so it’s not a problem!” But I’ve never really had an issue with analogue clocks, nor has anybody I know. I just graduated 6th-form this summer.

  7. I see nothing wrong here. I sometimes can go a month without seeing an analog clock anywhere. Phones, computer, apple watches, digital LED clocks are everywhere.

    It’s just a sign of time.

  8. I couldn’t back in the 90s and didn’t learn to until I was a teenager. As an adult I still have to think about it when I try to tell what time it is.

    I’m sure this will cause outrage among people without real problems in life.

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