Hungary plans to deploy its troops to Chad. Observers say Orban aims to mimic the growing influence of Russian President Vladimir Putin on the continent

Hungary plans to deploy its troops to Chad. Observers say Orban aims to mimic the growing influence of Russian President Vladimir Putin on the continent

by GPwat

  1. As much as I know Hungarians, I doubt their men will perform well as soldiers, especially in African climate.

  2. Well, I guess if he needs people at home to suppress protests, he can always count on Chinese police.

  3. Now isn’t that interesting as the UAE has bankrolled the government in Chad and provides military assistance. Wagner is also hired there by the UAE to do their heavy lifting.

    Also note that the UAE has operations or military funding across many of those nations in the region.

    Looks like Hungary is providing support, a back door and a veneer of “respectability”.

  4. He can waste money on this if he wants to, I’m more worried about him letting Chinese police officers into the EU and supporting Russian imperialism.

  5. I feel bad for regular Hungarian citizens. Hungarians with marketable skills are fleeing the country in droves in order to build a life elsewhere. Orban and his goons are giving Hungary such a terrible international reputation. Once he’s gone and replaced with something reasonable, it will still take decades for Hungary to regain trust across the European continent.

  6. chad has the same flag as Romania…mofo wants to take back Transilvania without taking back Transilvania 🙂

  7. I don’t think it’s nearly as bizarre as most of the people here do… doesn’t it make sense to try to build connections in the region, and try to plug into the resource exploitation business that UAE, Egypt, Turkey and other countries are so busy at?

  8. I’m sure young Hungarians getting blown for nothing in (checks notes) Chad will improve Orban’s poll ratings no end. /s

  9. > “Firstly, we have to look at the pull factors that could attract Budapest to the Sahel or Chad, specifically the abundant resources in the Sahel in terms of oil, uranium, gold, and other resources that are very abundant and are yet to be exploited,” Owusu said.

    > “Like any European country, Hungary is becoming more influential and would also like to have a fair share of Africa’s resources. Gold, cobalt, lithium, and other resources are major pull factors that could pull Budapest to the Sahel, and they should not be overlooked.”

    So he basically hopes to get a piece of the cake while sliding in with Russia and China. But… what could he realistically accomplish with only 200 soldiers deployed? I doubt Russia and China will leave him anything more than breadcrumbs lol.

    He’d be much better off trying to coordinate with his EU partners, especially because his (alleged) V4 allies have pretty much the same interests and goals as far as migration routes go, and could very well be interested in those natural resources.

  10. The resurgence of covert neo-colonialism in Africa is manifesting through a new wave of exploitation. Coups happening right and left. Many Africans believe they have achieved independence from Western powers like the U.S. and Europe, but this is merely a rebranding of control. Instead of overt dominance, these new external forces now use economic incentives and token gestures to placate the masses, creating the illusion of freedom while continuing to extract resources and maintain influence behind the scenes.

  11. If the rumours are right, Orban’s family got a minimg business in Chad which needs military control and defense. That is the main reason he is deploying soldiers there

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