MAGA: Not Even Once

MAGA: Not Even Once

Posted by SchpeederMan

  1. The body dysmorphia experienced by these MAGAs is perfectly analogous to their incredibly distorted and twisted view of America.

    These women looked decent until they tried to look “great”. Likewise the US, until MAGA tried to make it their version of “great”.

    Now they’re all ugly as hell.

  2. top left is how top right used to look? Boy do ladies fuck up their apparence 10 fold for no reason 🙁

  3. Holy fuck, that’s what Laura Loomer’s original face looked like? I truly can’t understand what would make a person intentionally do what she’s done to herself. 

  4. The body and mind always try to find a balance, the body tells a story truthfully where the mouth spins it’s fork language from a twisted mind version of self .

    Reminds of several other disease , sad ,what a waste of the universe expression

  5. I generally try not to judge books by their covers, but when they gathered for the RNC it looked like the Villian-Con scene from Despicable Me. Weird is an understatement.

  6. magas: trans people are going against god!

    also magas: im going to change my entire face and hair and tits

  7. Shit. I thought the senior was banging Jr.’s girlfriend. I thought they were the same “person.” Sometimes people buy the clothes off a manikin others the face.

  8. Laura Loomer got oversized cheek implants and lots of other work done but the plastic surgeon didn’t even straighten her nose?

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