The EU is closing in at YOUR DMs (E2EE too!)

The EU is closing in at YOUR DMs (E2EE too!)

by Wojtaz0w

  1. The EU is (again) trying to force their ridiculous policies of scanning ALL of your private messages (including end-to-end encrypted) with Al for alleged CSEM and automatically reporting you to the police, even if the file/picture is only “suspected” of being illicit. Learn how to take action to stop it and why IT IS your business to do so at

    EDIT: small fixups in the text

    Supplementary reading on issues that will arise with chat control:

  2. Fucking chat control was shot down many times and it just keeps on being held over our head. A democratic farce.

  3. As long as money can be made through this data, whether it is add targeting or selling it directly. it will keep getting pushed on us.

  4. funny how all the «common EU win» comments seem to dry up whenever this gets mentioned. I hope it gets defeated, it seems absurd and in my mind worth more than the beloved charger cables and bottle lids

  5. Haha, good luck with that EU. What are you going to do? Ban me from installing encrypted apps? 🤣

    Guys, remember when they voted for the law about upload filters? Yeah, memes are still here. I feel like this is another useless law that won’t work.

  6. Moi, perso, je comprends rien mais alors rien de ces commentaires .. c du chinois 🤪
    Et je m’en fiche 🤷‍♀️

  7. Hey remember how we were telling people to go vote in the EU parliament elections earlier this year? Yeah, this is why…

  8. This keeps popping up with an updated, more dishonest and emotionally loaded title every time it’s rejected.

    The current iteration is “Regulation to prevent and combat child sexual abuse”.

  9. Either you have totally private communication, or you have no privacy at all. That’s how it works in the information age.

  10. Yet there are still people thinking EU isn’t trying hard to limit our freedom and have control over everything we do, insane.

    It’s all for good sake, no doubt! /s

  11. >Oblige providers to remove clearly illegal material

    >Law enforcement agencies report illegal material to providers

    Isn’t that already a thing ?

  12. Yes I’m all for, these four points, it but it seems kind of like the big thing is that’s loads of platforms out there don’t want or can’t do these implementations. Do we have a fix for that?

  13. China baaaad, tiktok baaaaad.

    EU spying on you and chat control? It’s democracy!

    Google knowing more about you than CIA/FBI/EUINTCEN/MI and five eyes combined? No problem!

    Oh the hypocrisy

  14. Is your government in favour?
    → Ask for an explanation and for your government to revert its course.

    Is your government abstaining?
    → Ask why and demand that they take a strong stance against chat control.

    Is your government opposing?
    → Great, but take a closer look at the reasoning: Some governments like Germany e.g. only object to the scanning of encrypted communications, but are fine with the indiscriminate scanning of other private and public communication, with the end of anonymous communication by requiring age verification, or with introducing a minimum age for “risky” communication apps. Also critical governments need to do more, exert their influence in the Council of the EU and [agree on a joint list of necessary fundamental changes to the proposal]( Absent such revision they should ask the European Commission to withdraw the chat control proposal as it stands.

    | In Favour | Abstained | Opposed the Proposal |
    | Belgium | Estonia | Germany |
    | Bulgaria | Netherlands | Poland |
    | Croatia | Slovenia | |
    | Cyprus | Czech Republic | |
    | Denmark | Austria | |
    | Finland | | |
    | Greece | | |
    | Hungary | | |
    | Ireland | | |
    | Italy | | |
    | Latvia | | |
    | Lithuania | | |
    | Luxembourg | | |
    | Malta | | |
    | Portugal | | |
    | Romania | | |
    | Slovakia | | |
    | Spain | | |
    | Sweden | | |

  15. It’s like they don’t get that the more surveillance they add, the more people will want to circumvent it, and the more demand will be for encrypted apps.

    They should better learn the lessons of prohibition and the failed drug wars.

  16. Everything should always be end to end encrypted by default. The only exception is public comments.

  17. Did anyone really think for the past 5+ years, that WhatsApp is safe? That anything on the internet is private?

  18. Obviously they are already doing that!! They just need it legalized with law. You can see it how they target you with ads derived from DM info or talk on the phone. People in the UK are even getting arrested, which is just the active part after the surveillance.

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