Francis Fukuyama: ‘Trump is on the Russian side’ in Ukraine war | DW News

Francis Fukuyama: ‘Trump is on the Russian side’ in Ukraine war | DW News

Influential American writer and political scientist Francis Fukuyama has said that former US president Donald Trump is on Russia’s side, when it comes to the war in Ukraine.

Speaking to DW in Kyiv, Fukuyama said that he thought it would be a “disaster” for Ukraine were Trump to win this year’s presidential election.

He also urged Ukraine’s allies to lift restrictions on the use of long-range missiles that have already been supplied to Kyiv.

Ukraine has repeatedly urged its partners to take that step, saying that it would help it destroy distant Russian airbases that Moscow has been using to bombard Ukraine.


00:00 Importance of long-range missiles for Ukraine
01:20 Germany’s fears about crossing Putin’s red lines
02:38 Constraints on Ukraine by its partners
03:10 Fukuyama: ‘Trump is on the Russian side’

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  1. Biden family received millions from China, millions from Russian oligarchs, millions from burisma. Biden put restrictions on long range missiles. Trump was the first US president to send military aid to Ukraine in 2018 and didn't put any restrictions. The only reason Europe is against Trump is because he won't let Europe continue freeloading off US anymore.

  2. Why is the West so scared of Ukraine, When someone hitting your country but you're not allowed to do same…talk about able nuclear weapons, Great Britain and France have it, why fear Putin; a man keeping his own family in the West? Why not allow Ukraine get what it asks for?

  3. This Japanese guy has no idea what Trump will do and is just speculating wildly. All those who say "Trump is on the Russian's side", "Trump will be terrible for Ukraine." The worst thing to happen to Ukraine was that Trump wasn't re-elected in 2020. Ukraine was attacked in 2014 and Obama did nothing. Ukraine is attacked in 2022 and Biden has provided just enough support to keep the war going but not enough that Ukraine might actually win it or at least force a favourable settlement. The only time since 2014 that Ukraine had relative peace and stability was when Trump was in office.

  4. Alternatively Trump is on the side of the American people and Fukuyama is on the side of an establishment that sees Russia as a threat to its hegemony.

  5. Hundreds of billions of public tax dollars to pay for "game changing" weapons in this proxy war and Ukraine is losing….just make peace already, another escalation only puts everyone at risk. This war mongering is all so insane!

  6. Is the disaster that trump might end the war? Bc having every ukrainian die on a battlefield is somehow better than negotiating?? The warmongering west hates Ukraine im not even a trumper

  7. and if russia can strike anywhere in ukraine and has done so with such repetition for so long and ukraine still has aircraft left what makes you think ukraine will be able to stop the russian air force with a fraction of the capability and 20x the targets?

  8. Biden isn't any better than Trump, with the USA respecting every Russian threat so humbly. Putin call the shots and Ukraine's friends immediately obey and tell Ukraine to do exactly what the Russians want even if the Ukraine soldiers are dying every day. The USA and Germany is going to create huge enemies for themselves with this kind of restrictions to the counties that they pretend to help.

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