Viktor Orbán posts about trying to get in shape with Arnold Schwarzenegger as his personal coach.

Viktor Orbán posts about trying to get in shape with Arnold Schwarzenegger as his personal coach.

by LorenzoTheChair

  1. the only pain you cause is to Europe’s democracy and Ukraine’s freedom and future you pathetic russia appeaser

  2. Wasn’t Arnold’s father an honest to goodness, no holds barred NAZI in Austria??? Sooo not a good look.

  3. Fuck them both. I guess money is worth more than morals for Arnie. Plus what a shitty photo op, Orbán is in a dress shirt.

  4. Ask yourself: Does he look like he’s actually working out? Is he appropriately dressed for a gym? Or is it perhaps the laziest fake ever?

  5. Two weeks ago, Orbán was joking about slim fits and ‘latte avocado.’ In my opinion, he’s just jealous because they literally have no young supporters (which is especially funny, considering they call themselves ‘young democrats’). Unlike Orbán’s party, Tisza party has almost equal support, even after 14 years. We finally have a chance to change him and his corrupt party. And now, he’s working out 🤣🤣🤣🤣, but even Orbán’s workout can’t stop the spring.

  6. Austria-Hungary unification soon, once Orban becomes gets in shape, we will form a new nation comprised of most jacked politicians, my Hungarian brothers.

  7. Arnie majdnem 2 èvtizeddel idősebb a g.cinèl. / Arnie is almost two decades older than our beloved leader. If you ever wondered.

  8. Wow, this one actually hurts a little. So much for principles eh [u/GovSchwarzenegger](/user/GovSchwarzenegger/).

  9. I believe in Arnold. 
    If anyone can nudge Orbán morally into the right way is him. 
    Very unlikely, but Arnold might just build some microscopic character into that pos.

  10. If real, Arnold should think about sucking the Hungarian trump’s d$&k. A fascist pig in Europe trained by someone so critical of trump. Absolute shame if this is real.

  11. That’s not a face that someone’s making heavy reps till failure. Clearly he got no pain, making the poster look like he wants no gain and no pain.

  12. Arnold is so confused politically 😹 ‘fuck your freedoms’ says former Republican Governor 😹 now hanging with Americas latest Bogeyman

  13. That is the T-1000 in the shape of the T-800.

    The picture is taken right before the real T-800 bust the door open, dual wielding a grenade launcher and a minigun, to take out the T-1000, so he can throw Orban in the pit in the lava factory.

    “Remember Orban, when i promised to kill you last ? – i lied!”

  14. Pretty sad/infuriating such a great actor is helping out a dictator..

    Am i wrong to have expected more of arnold?

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