Rumors of Affair Between Trump and Loomer Grow Louder, With Loomer Reportedly Telling Friends She Performed Sex Act on Former Prez

Rumors of Affair Between Trump and Loomer Grow Louder, With Loomer Reportedly Telling Friends She Performed Sex Act on Former Prez

Posted by nikkisixxi

  1. Old enough to be her father? He’s 78 and she’s 31. Try grandfather. Senile and racist grandfather.

  2. Man, if Kamala was flying around the country with some 25 year old dude, who was known for his vile, hateful, racist and xenophobic statements, the media would be on it like white on rice. It would be 24/7 news on Fox News. And yes, CNN is covering it a bit. But not enough!

    And apparently Trump doesn’t have actual interc0urse anymore…like the physicality of it is difficult for him. So he likes to sit back and basically receive pleasure from his women.

    GAG. GAG. GAG.

    And I am sure Melania is pissed. She knows her husband screws around. But she doesn’t want to be humiliated, like she was with Stormy. And him flaunting Laura is definitely going to piss Melania off…and she will make Trump pay.

  3. I bet nobody is surprised that he likes to lay back and receive. He’s definitely a taker and never a giver. GROSS

  4. I think I’d be more surprised if he’s *not* boning her. I mean, *of course* he is. Gross, but… almost certainly true.

  5. – Amy Cornet Barret
    – Kari Lake
    – bunch of shorty short cheerleader uniform wearing old ladies from the Village

  6. Man if your gonna ask those questions, I would have outright accused him and asked about what is being said in his circles, even by her. Put him on blast, in the open.

  7. How does Laura keep from throwing up during the fellatio? I mean, how clean can it be, since it’s stuffed in a diaper all day.

  8. Wt actual soap opera is this? Not anything I’d picture or want to imagine.does he not have advisors that pull his coat and say not a good look sir? I can’t believe thus reality

  9. I guess the October surprise came early.

    Pun not initially intended but I’m leaving it.


  10. The evangelicals are swooning even harder for Trump now because it’s never been about Christian values for those fake ass hucksters.

  11. Of course she did. Trump ought to know bestiality is a criminal act which may complicate his future sentencing.

  12. If Donald Trump admits that he’s having an affair with this woman will he lose any votes from the Evangelical Christian family value section… Unless they’re all brainwashed cultists which I think they are..

    The Republican party has no more moral values to stand on they elect a convicted rapist add a pedophile a well-known Jeffrey Epstein friend pedophile a failed businessman a multiple womanizer, paid for sex with a pornstar, has cheated on all his wives has a daughter out of wedlock and has been convicted in fraud from children’s charities to his own Trump university.

    So the next time a republican tells you that they have the moral high ground because they have religion and Jesus on their side just remind them what Antichristian they just voted for

  13. The party of family values everyone. Just imagine for one second Obama cheated on his wife or had a mistress. It would be a non stop story 24/7 completely scandalous. But for trump it’s just another day.

    He literally can do no wrong.

  14. Those big lips are good for something other than talking. She’s so disgusting I’d have to take a shower if I was in the same room as her.

  15. It might be my Slovenian blood talking, on my sugar might be going really low, but Melania is much prettier…

  16. Note: Milo is insulting Trump here, intentionally. Both posts are meant to embarrass Trump. Milo is buddies with Nick Fuentes, and Fuentes is furious with Trump for picking JD Vance and for whatever other stupid shit Nick doesn’t like – so Fuentes is on a Get Trump kick.

    “She can’t be pregnant because he can’t perform anymore” is absolutely meant to sting.

  17. If I were a betting man I would bet $1,000 that
    Kari Lake, Margie Greene. Kristi Noem and now Laura Loomer have all knelt before Trumpy and received his special blessing…

  18. Anyone remember when a president getting an extra marital blow job was grounds for impeachment?

    Pepperidge Farms remembers…

  19. > the best blowjob of his life.” His words, according to Laura.

    I’m more inclined to believe Donald has received terrible blowjobs in the past than believe that Loomer has any talent for anything.

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