‘Military pressure has only killed them’: Hostage relatives, activists urge deal at mass rally

‘Military pressure has only killed them’: Hostage relatives, activists urge deal at mass rally


Posted by This__is-

  1. The brutal truth is that hostages are a secondary consideration for any larger military operation. The main objective always has to be to meet and defeat the enemy with the intent of destroying his ability to fight. If you allow hostage taking – and the use of human shields – to significantly divert you from this objective then you encourage hostage taking in future. This is the reason why the Law of Armed Conflict clearly puts the blame for casualties on the Party that does the hostage taking.

    The Israelis have also got to weigh the risk to the <200 hostages against the many hundreds or even thousands that would be murdered if Hamas is allowed out of it’s box again.

  2. Netanyahu is a jewish supremacist and an incompetent moron he traded for the release of Gilad Shalit in exchange for 1,027 Israeli-held security prisoners; 280 of these served life sentences for planning and perpetrating various terror attacks against Israeli targets.

    instead of keeping the border of gaza where the Israeli settlers was secure he transferred a majority of the security to the west bank where they would assist in stealing and occupying Palestinian land leading to a less defensive area before October 7th.

    He ignored previous warnings of a hamas attack which were provided by Egyptian intelligence.

    He along with other right wing parties supported hamas taking over the gaza strip so there would be no unified Palestinian government.

    He encouraged and supported for the 2003 iraq invasion with pro Israeli lobbying groups after saddam hussien was overthrow the country became a proxy for iran as its currently flooded with multiple Iranian militia groups and serves as land bridge to supply Hezbollah.

    He refuses to give Palestinian a state and rather opts for a slow annexing process where the land become Israel proper thereby giving Palestinian 2 choices either accept being displaced and killed or resist

  3. Not gonna happen. Security of a nation more important than 80 hostages.

    Makes no sense for Israel to give up the PC and promise a permanent peace with Hamas. Their war goals have been clear from the beginning and they won’t sacrifice goals 1 and 2 to achieve goal 3.

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