So many Springfielders online today…

So many Springfielders online today…

Posted by Pumuckl4Life

  1. I ran across one of these the other day that was “Canadian”. Something along the lines of “I’m Canadian and me and all my Canadian friends are tired of Ukraine so we all want funding for Ukraine to stop”. I was like, ok Ivan.

  2. According to the alarmingly senile trump, immigrant Online searches probably include: 

    – How can you hide it if you eat pet animals and it’s not yet popular in the community.

    – How to pass the animal shelter adaption check.

    – How to befriend pet owners.

    – What hours are pets left alone in Springfield.

    – Is there a pet cookbook.

    – How to emotionally prepare your family about adding a pet ingredient in their diet.

    – What pets are FDA approved.

    – Nutrition facts of pets.

    – Best pet recipes.

    – Pet barbecue parties near me.

    This is Obviously Satire.

  3. My mother-in-law believes it, because people on Facebook said so.

    I tried to explain bots to her.

  4. This is AI generated, I think. We really should label these things, even if they’re being used for silly memes.

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