Bruh why are Americans like this?

Bruh why are Americans like this?

Posted by BigClitMcphee

  1. Decades of grooming by the Heritage Foundation that has pulled our Overton Window drastically to the Right. Mix that with a broken system where what is meant to be a 30k : 1 ratio for House Electoral Representatives have made it where a two party system thrives with nothing close to ranked choice voting to ensure the candidate who wins a popular vote actual takes the election

  2. Because millions of Americans live lives full of uncertainty, humiliation, and despair. When this goes ignored by the country as a whole, they see it as their adversary. Then when someone comes along that says they’re against that adversary and says they will fight for your interests, you support them.. that they are a moron or corrupt makes no difference. For you, they’re the only game in town.

  3. Because people are attributing their financial woes to the Biden Harris administration. And at the end of the day everyday folks don’t care that Trump says stupid shit like they’re eating cats and dogs so long as they’re able to afford rent & groceries.

  4. Friendly reminder that starting with the 1992 US Presidential election, the republican candidate has won the popular vote exactly ONCE. (2004 Bush)

    The electoral college favors empty land over the actual people, and it needs to be ended. If Republicans want to hold the white house, perhaps they should work on legislation the people actually want.

  5. Not to say he isn’t a giant fucking piece of shit but the two most accurate Pollsters from 2020 and 2022 (AtlasIntel and Trafalgar Group) currently have him with a 2.9% lead. Don’t anyone get complacent. Check registration early and often.

  6. 50% of people are statistically morons and Republicans seem to have cornered the market on “low information.”

  7. It boggles my mind that a guy who bankrupted the easiest business to run people think is a genius

  8. We’ve become Florida. Who could vote against two scoops of ice cream and raging hellfire and it’d still be a 51/49 vote

  9. Because being American doesn’t mean you are patriotic.

    The MAGA cultists are terrorists, and the GOP are Christian Zealots.

  10. MAGA are living in an alternate universe. They really believe whatever senile ravings come out of the mouth of a mushbrained 80-year old. To the extent they’re now calling in bomb threats to places that don’t conform reality to suit his mad ramblings.

  11. It’s a race between an intensely right-wing, genocide-supporting authoritarian militaristic Zionist

    And Donald Trump

  12. Serious answer? Rupert Murdoch. Everyone that watches Fox News believes every single word with no critical thought.

  13. But i thought we were respected around the world with the other guy. Get Victor Orban on the phone, stat!

  14. single issue voting. ie: they’re against abortion, and being a rapist, pedo and convict isn’t important.

  15. If you want an actual answer…

    It’s because all the one-issue voters vote Republican (gun-nuts, bible bashers, racists, militiamen, billionaires, anti-vaxxers, anti-abortionists, etc…). And, because they are one-issue voters, it doesn’t matter how awful their party or leader is. All that matters is that one issue (whatever it is).

    It’s absolutely crazy that the Dems never try to steal some of these voters away. But, then again, these are the people that threw everything behind the idiotic ‘they go low, we go high’ crap through literally decades of it failing miserably.

  16. This is just my tinfoil theory as a non-American, but at this point the only thing that makes sense is that your “surveys” are being piloted by choosing the demographics very carefully. After all, this brings many more clicks than a guaranteed slam dunk.

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