Trump Must’ve Just Received Some Bad News, Because He’s Having a Full-On Nervous Breakdown on Truth Social

Trump Must’ve Just Received Some Bad News, Because He’s Having a Full-On Nervous Breakdown on Truth Social

Posted by nikkisixxi

  1. I mean, the prospects of the threesome with Laura Loomer and Marjorie Taylor Greene weren’t looking promising in the first place.

  2. This complete unraveling is just so delicious I’m not sure I could eat another bite. Oh who am I kidding? Keep it coming orange dummy, it’s amazing! 🤌🏼💋

  3. Let me guess. The Fox new poll came back showing him down after the debate. Almost all other polls were pretty clear and the Fox one was still missing.

  4. Maybe he watched Kimmel, who went nuclear on his dumb ass this week.

    It was spectacular and hilarious.

  5. He is a disappointment, disgrace, disgusting,delusions, display individual. A hopeless if you want call him a human being.

  6. This title or a version of it appears on this site over 24-48 hours. When are we just going to acknowledge that he’s mentally unstable and this type of behavior is the norm.

  7. I want to read the thing but holy hell the amount of ads and redirects on that link are unbearable.

  8. He is an old man who was never that bright to begin with suffering advancing dementia, probably not under the care of a physician. If anyone in the GOP has a heart, lead him off the stage and let him live out his remaining days in a jail cell.

  9. why would he say that he believes in exceptions to an abortion plan at this point, is he stupid?

  10. In his mind, Trump always wins everything – he can’t bear to loose, but in reality he is nothing but a looser, with a bad mentality.

  11. He stole 1.7 billion…and he’s still broke, hustling grifts for money? JFC what kind of criminal world debt does he have anyhow?

  12. I assumed it was the news that Melania is considering publicly endorsing Kamala due to being annoyed that Trump and Loomer are not hiding their little fuckbuddyship.

    Also explains why Trump is suddenly distancing himself a bit from Loomer.

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