Imagine unironically referring to yourself as an “extraordinary genius”

Imagine unironically referring to yourself as an “extraordinary genius”

Posted by baron_von_jackal

  1. It’s funny that he is arguing that they gave her the questions when all the questions were the most obvious questions that they could possibly ask. Like, did he NOT know that is what they would ask? 70 million Americans watching knew the questions beforehand.

  2. If he was so confident about winning the debate, he wouldn’t be so desperately trying to convince why he did so poorly. Tell me you know you lost without telling me.

  3. Imagine being braindead enough to believe this is how a genius behaves.

    Trump fans are so weird and gullible.

  4. Anyone watching this guy call people mentally challenged as an insult and still thinking you like this guy can all get fucked, you weird ass losers.

  5. I mean.

    His questions were pretty
    Much tailored to

    “Will you let Putin do whatever he wants”

    “Are you going to throw a tantrum if you lose”

    “Are at all capable of remorse”

    “Do you have a plan to fix that tjjng you’ve been saying you’d fix for 10 years?”

  6. He went from “stable genius” to “extraordinary genius”. Soon he will be “supercalifragilisticexpialidocious genius”

  7. They just can’t see it can they?

    The one sad ass truth Donald Trump has taught me is that there is a very large percentage of just stupid ass people in this country.

    How did these people literally become “Here comes Honey Boo-Boo” personified?

  8. Trump’s only out is for one state to stage a recount like in 2000 bush vs gore and the supreme court will hand the presidency to Trump just like GW.

  9. Other than the whole “rise of fascism thing” /s I am genuinely enjoying the orange sack of Syphiliss public mental breakdowns

  10. The fact that he is having carnal relations with Laura Loomer is proof he is suffering from some form of advanced syphilis.

  11. I’ve said before and I’ll say again: what an incredible self-own it is to see BASIC INTELLIGENCE and interpret it as some impossible feat of fraud, witchcraft, and cheating.

    Kamala is a talented and intelligent speaker, that’s true, but she didn’t do anything THAT incredible in the debate. She just handled things professionally.

    But for people whose frame of reference is MAGA universe, that basic intelligence seems like supernatural ability. They can’t fathom basic intelligence, and are clamouring that she was “leaked” the (very obvious and straightforward) questions ahead of time, or had an earpiece, or worked with Satanism and witchcraft to win.

    It’s Suicide by words every time right wingers accuse Kamala of some extraordinary act for showing ordinary intelligence.

  12. Under investigation by who exactly? What charges could be brought under what statute?

    Jesus, I think the fucking hamster has fallen off the wheel and tracked feces all over what’s left of his cognitive function.

  13. The Dunning-Kruger effect: “the idea that people who don’t know something may not be able to recognize that they don’t know it. This can lead to people with limited skills overestimating their capabilities due to a combination of low cognitive ability and poor self-awareness”

  14. Did they give her the questions? This buffoon. A fifth grader in social studies class could’ve predicted those questions.

  15. Like the “alpha males” that have to tell everyone they are Alphas telling people makes you not Alpha. Having to tell people how smart you shows how dim you are.

  16. You know, it was kind of a strange and unfair set of questions for trump. They didn’t ask about things he really cares about, like his relationship with Hannibal Lecter or the technical procedure, say for injecting bleach. How about a question about how he comes up with all those brilliant fourth grader nicknames for all those folks he doesn’t like.

    So many important topics were left out of the debate. January 6th, how he managed a record number of bankruptcies, the way he got the Mexican government to pay for his beautiful wall, all the manufacturing jobs he brought back to the US, how “his best people” he picked ended up not endorsing him for president and they should have asked him why he said he’d never have time for golf while he was “running” the country and then set the new standard for most days out golfing after his one act that lowered taxes on the Über wealthy and left us holding the bag on a much larger deficit.

    I’m still looking for the extraordinary genius part, other than serving himself and creating an ugly cult focused on turning our country into an autocracy by dismantling our democracy and setting the stage to suspend our Constitution. Project 2025. Read it. It’s all there.

  17. I’m sure someone beat me to it: but shouldn’t an extraordinary genius be able to best three mentally challenged? Gotta love the dictator crackpot commitment to deny reality. Ignore your eyes and ears but believe my lies.

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