Oldest trick in the book

Oldest trick in the book

Posted by redditguy422

  1. If I were a person who wanted to donate to Donald but didn’t want anyone to know it (like a dictator etc) I would just drive the price of his stock up a ton right before he sells.

  2. Oh, it’s completely a given, it’s just when.

    The ‘merger’ of the private company that was Truth Social with the vehicle that traded as DJT was a way of paying money to Trump, but bypassing the campaign contribution laws.

    He wants to, and will, cash out to maximise his benefit (can’t say profit, because he’s scamming every other investor).

    He scams everyone he’s involved with.

  3. Market analcysts believe he may well make enough from the sale to buy the original pee tapes.

  4. He kind of screwed himself by announcing he wasn’t going to and then the stock went up and so if he does, he will be very much in fact breaking the law. And if you think, well, he still gets the money, no, he does not.

  5. Didn’t Hitler sell little bags of his pubes? Or am I thinking of Ted Cruz and his neck whiskers?

  6. Why would he sell it now and not when it was clearly at it’s all time high? It’s dropped like 35 dollars in value 😂

    The only weird and telling thing about that stock is the ownership percentages. Last time I looked it had around 85% insider ownership with only a very small percentage overall being retail…. Which was definitely one of the tells early on (if you even believed in it 😂 which was your first mistake) that this company was bs. But really it doesn’t take some stock savvy person to see that. The fundamentals though… of his stock are pure horse shit, red flag after red flag of “do not buy me unless you hate money” they have never posted an actual profit lol… the only reason it even exists is because of the insiders and they are losing money but it’s all to keep that propaganda mill running so in their eyes it’s worth it.

    If you bought his stock when the IPO dropped and got it at it’s all time high, your money is gone forever. No matter how long you hold… it’s not coming back. I’m sorry for your loss.

    For awhile though you could do puts on the stock and bet on it going down because it was like the most obvious play on Wall Street… so to all those people, congrats on your 5 new lambos.

  7. He would piss of a lot of his base. They were the only ones buying it. When he sells it will drop like a rock and screws his supporters. Seems like a dumb move before the election. With that in mind YES he is selling!

  8. He didn’t intend to do it. ‘they’ made him. Well figure out who ‘they’ are very soon, but my guess is cannibalistic Haitian underground dwellers.

  9. If he does, he will now be indicted by the SEC for a Pump and Dump scheme.

    SEC does not fuck around. Ask Martha Stewart.

  10. Wrong. He’s going to sell every share he can before it tanks further. “I never said I wasn’t going to sell. Fake news.”

  11. He will continue to say he won’t so others hold onto theirs, then he will dump it all, tank the price, and wreck the investment of his loyal supporters. And he won’t care but will find a way to blame it on Harris.

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