Could NATO consider this an attack on its territory? | DW News

Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelenskyy says a ship carrying Ukrainian grain has been hit by a Russian missile in the Black Sea.
He posted images showing the damaged vessel on social media. Ukraine says the ship was in waters off the coast of NATO-member Romania when it was hit. Zelenskyy is calling for a global response to what he says is a direct attack on vital shipping routes and global food security.

00:00 Zelenskyy: Russia attacks wheat ship off Romania
00:31 Ian Ralby, Maritime Analyst at the Center for Maritime Strategy
05:24 Rebecca Ritters, DW Correspondent

#ukraine #russia #romania

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  1. the expert is missing important information:
    1) few days ago, Turkey's Erdogan endorsed Ukraine and Crimea being Ukrainian
    2) the ship is operated by a Turkish company

  2. NATO ain't going to do nothing everyone seems to be too damn scared to do s*** about this guy so it's just going to keep going and going and going that's all it's going to happen don't expect nothing out of NATO.

  3. its rich complaining about internatinoal not being obyed after 2 decades of R2P….and then topping it of with nonsense on Art5, which is a joke already, and calling russia out for brinksmanship. projection and delusion all over the script.

  4. DW tries to turn an attack on a Ukrainian ship in a warzone during a war with Russia into an "Attack on Romania". Close but no cigar DW. You get an "A" for effort but keep trying harder you may yet get what you wish for.

  5. Zelensky is very very desperate for a global war. This man rather millions of people die outside from the ukrain russia conflict by dragging down a global war

  6. Russians aren't fools, this Zelensky is now becoming a threat to the whole world, he is trying hard to get NATO into his war with Russia, if that happens then Putin will not hesitate to press the Nuke button, We are all going to be doomed. 😑

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