Akhmat’s commander Apti Alaudinov said that Ukrainians let captured Chechens call relatives to push for an exchange. He refused, calling the proposal infuriating and saying true Chechens don’t surrender, urging captives to do everything to be killed in captivity.

Akhmat’s commander Apti Alaudinov said that Ukrainians let captured Chechens call relatives to push for an exchange. He refused, calling the proposal infuriating and saying true Chechens don’t surrender, urging captives to do everything to be killed in captivity.

by BigDeckBob

  1. Well, then these Chechens will have the only two options: to remain imprisoned forever in Ukraine or to join the Ukrainian army against the Russians. I don’t think it’s a good strategy to not accept their prisoners back

  2. He’s obviously very butthurt about the very frank interview that a few Chechen POWs gave in the last couple of days. And I also can’t help but wonder if the comments about family and children are almost a threat.

  3. He is just trying to talk down their “price”. Ukraine knows these are more valuable POW’s than other ethnic minorities. Not as valuable as ethnic Russian conscripts from St. Petersburg, but more than average.

  4. He’s trying to save face because so many under his command surrendered. It ain’t working buddy. I see Defenestration in your future.

  5. “You could not run away like a real man in time, what do you think your mafia boss will think of you?

  6. Isn’t that the guy who said on the second day when the Ukrainian troops advanced towards Kursk that they would have pushed them back in two days? It doesn’t matter whether he says anything or not.

  7. Can we do a crowdfunding to capture of kill this guy? Preferably captured now of course, so that we can livestream him while he tries to kill himself.

  8. Says the Chechen who “missed” Ukrainians during their incursion into Kursk oblast? I wonder if karma is already on its way….?

  9. Isn’t he the guy who ran away when the Ukrainians suddenly appeared at his door in Kurks? Spits out pretty big words for a coward.

  10. Ample evidence of Akhmat running away before a fight even ensues, albeit a lot of lamp posts and tree trunks fell victim to Akhmat. Wonder if they keep score on how many inanimate objects they shoot.

  11. The Russians already ran over the Chechens. They are Putin’s lap dogs. The only brave Chechens are the ones fighting WITH Ukraine.

  12. AFU will pick him up soon:
    New blitz by Ukrainian forces in Kursk, they entered the village of Veseloye. From there to the district center of Glushkovo it is 7 km (ja. ia.)
    Ukrainian forces, according to several Russian Z bloggers, entered the second village in the area of ​​the third border breakthrough in Kursk, in the village of Veseloye. NASA satellites record fires in the village. From Vesely to the regional center of Glushkovo there are 7 km

  13. “True Chechens don’t surrender” yet Chechens surrendered to putin and are now fighting for the same person who brutalised and destroyed your capital.

  14. Maybe go there yourself, Apti show yourself to be a man and some little twat behind a desk wanking himself

  15. I guess this means Putin told Kadryov that his guys are no longer priority for being first picks for POW exchanges. Early war these guys were practically express shipped back to the Russian border at their request and now they’re taking their own guys not to come back.

  16. Says the coward who hides in the background.

    Come on Akmutt, lead the charge, let’s see this bravery 🤣🤣

  17. Why didn’t they fight to the death when Russia conquered them? Both wars? Russia takes their land, does horrific things to the people, and now the men fight for Russia? Embarrassing

  18. I can tell you right now people who make these claims are nowhere near capture or combat Frontline everybody who talks shit is never put under real duress never mind torture

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