Ukraine’s spy chief, Kyrylo Budanov, believes that Russia wants to win the war against Ukraine by the end of 2025 or early 2026, because it will face serious economic problems from summer 2025 onwards

Ukraine’s spy chief, Kyrylo Budanov, believes that Russia wants to win the war against Ukraine by the end of 2025 or early 2026, because it will face serious economic problems from summer 2025 onwards

by Exotic-Strawberry667

  1. We’ve heard that since day 1. No disrespect to Ukraine or Budanov but Russia’s economy was supposed to implode years ago. It didn’t and still hasn’t.

  2. The Russian economy is circling the drain, 19% interest rate (which will rise) a worthless currency and shortages of basics like eggs, bread and more surprisingly fuel. Throw in the massive labour shortages and surging prices and it really is only a matter of time before it simply implodes.

  3. So long as Ukraine remains in a strong position until this time next year then Russia should have to settle on unfavorable terms for them. The stupid part is that their “unfavorable terms” is simply go home and keep all their territory alone by themselves.

  4. Disagree, but from what I’ve read Russia has gone complete war economy which is similar to WWII where everything is focused on building and repairing and training

    This proves to be very successful during the time of war, the longer they can stay in this the better for economy

    Transitioning from a military focused economy is next to impossible and always ends in a recession

  5. Of course it does.

    At that time old military stockpiles have run so low that Russia would need to start building a lot more from scratch, which is vastly more expensive and much slower than jury-rigging USSR leftovers from overproduction days of the Cold War.

  6. From the title, I thought he was talking about Ukraine.

    Though, to be honest, by that point, Russia would run out of stockpiles, so, it doesn’t honestly matter as much as some think if Russia’s economy collapsed then, as Russia would already be forced to withdraw

  7. It’s an old phrase & it’s written in blood, but “hold fast”, they cannot do this indefinitely.

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