Flood in Poland getting worse every hour

Flood in Poland getting worse every hour


by hippiebab

  1. In what direction is this storm heading?
    Edit: hope everyone is safe, have had a few floods when I was little. It’s terrible to be woken up in the middle of the night to evacuate and you don’t know when or if at all you can see your home again.

  2. This is just a beginning. The peak of flood wave will reach our border cities like Opava and Ostrava in couple of hours.

  3. I’m sorry to see this. We’ve had similar catastrophic floods in Wallonia in July 2021. There’s been massive damage all along the rivers and people lost their lives. We’ve learnt our lesson though; give room to rivers.

  4. Yeah, it’s a lot of rain.
    But if we wouldn’t have taken away the space and beds rivers need, the problem would be much smaller.
    It’s not a river. It’s a canal in a straight concrete bed.
    I am by no means surprised this happened and so badly.

  5. Terrible, you can see climate change working in front of your eyes. Just think about the loss of life, property, and the costs to all of us.

  6. That Road quality reminds me the North korea flood videos. Probably the Road would have collapsed even if it was well made, but that sucks honestly, its just an asphalt layer

  7. Maybe a reminder that you may not be able to contacts friends or family in the area simply because telecom infrastructure will certainly be damaged significantly as well, and may require days to be restored. So be patient and don’t panic.

  8. Sorry to see that :/

    But with water management like it was done in this pic – canal with concrete, rigid borders and it looks like no space like meadows etc, where the water can “safely” flood – it probably won’t be the last time

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