The weird thing

The weird thing

Posted by AgentBlue62

  1. Yeah his polling is bunk. Who answers their phone when a number you do t recognise calls, old people that’s who. I’m calling bullshit in the polls being accurate.

  2. That is because MAGA is a cult and dear leader can do no wrong, even when he is wrong there is a good reason or Democrats made him do it…

  3. It takes a person of “extraordinary genius” to never proclaim him/herself an extraordinary genius. If a person has to resort to that claim, it means that he’s on the other end of that scale.

  4. 44. He polls down to 44. I think 36% is the true floor, the racists and evangelicals who would vote for his mouldering corpse before considering any Democrat. But that next 8% are the ones who voted for Nikki Haley or DeSantis in primaries. They won’t cross the aisle either, but they’d leave Trump for a sane republican.

    Trump’s current polling average is 45.2%

  5. It’s because we’ve been hacked, as a species.

    We like to think we’re complicated, but we’re not. Especially when we act like a mob or herd. We have a couple of buttons that are easy to push – fear, anger, disgust, greed – and if you combine them with the right message, we are terrifyingly easy to push around.

    Whether the messages are true or not, is beside the point. All they have to do is activate the right emotional response.

    “The immigrants are raping your daughters”
    “The liberals are brainwashing your kids to hate you”
    “The left wants to destroy your way of life”

    Today, with AI and sophisticated algorithms, these messages can be tailored to a specific demographic, to a specific individual even. And the oligarchs have figured the trick out.

  6. What amazes me is how his base sticks with him no matter how high he turned up the insanity dial . Example, Laura Loomer, she only takes 2 minutes of a google search to see what he wants at his side, and no big backers of his have said this is to much, I’m out. Tim is right, they are weird.

  7. Trump being a idiot is one thing, he’s just another crazy! It’s ALL the CRAZY IDIOTS supporting him, that’s the problem!!!

  8. Trump could eat a bag of babies on stage at a rally and this voters would praise his intake of fresh protein.

  9. 47% of Americans are just like him. That’s why we need to make america less racist than it’s ever been and kick the orange moron to the curb.

  10. And that is why they wanna stop Democratic leaning voters from voting to ensure they win in elections on top of their gerrymandering!

  11. I’m going to say something controversial. Trump is self centred, ignorant, falsely patriotic, xenophobic, loud, tasteless and arrogant.

    As a Canadian he represents the bad American stereotype we make of you.

    Now, I know we shouldn’t besmirch a whole nation for few individuals, but there’s still a core of the voters who see themselves in him. That’s the ugly truth.

  12. It’s possible, that people in the Midwest, that believes on immigrants eating dogs or cats, will elect the next president of the United States?

  13. When I was in Catholic grade school in the 90s learning about the Nazis, the thing that I had the hardest time understanding was how they thought of themselves as Christian. How could people be so diametrically opposed to basically every virtue, every commandment, and the entire tenents of Christianity (or any religion for that matter) and be Nazis? Or KKK?

    It’s sadly become much easier to understand in the years since. Some of those teachers probably don’t see the irony like I do.

  14. Cool. Fuck polls. They don’t reflect reality as most young voters don’t answer the phone.

    **Just. Fucking. Vote.**


  15. Because people stopped giving a fuck with the media and elitist obsessed morons think.

    Whatever he says, your liberal candidate says dumber.

    However his idea and ACTIONS are better for the people by far. And that’s all people who are struggling care about.

  16. It demonstrates that Trump is _symptomatic_ of the problems we have in this country, not causal. Getting rid of Trump isn’t going to change much and people are not prepared for that reality.

  17. Anyone who thinks polls show any type of intelligence should just watch a few episodes of family feud. I swear they must poll the 100 dumbest people on the planet to get the answers some times

  18. Stay with me here, follow along,
    I was curious about how pollsters get such frequent answers on the latest topics; like every other day. I wondered, do they have a representative sample made up of the percentages of various peoples of the US, proportionalte? That would be extremely difficult. Our country is too diverse ( one of our greatest characteristics )for that type of methodology.

    I poked around some read and watched a couple of documentaries from credible sources. I found the way these polls get done is by phone, and lots and lots of callers. Basically what these callers do is, from randomized lists of phone numbers, call thousands of people and ask questions obviously. They take great care to see that the questions are asked in a non-biased, leading the person toward a certain result basically as Bland as possible. I guess the statistical error is kept low due to the randomized selection of phone numbers. They explained that many people don’t want to answer the questions others are eager.

    Answers are put in the statistics machine (not the computer’s name, but you get the point) it does its magic and presto! This that and the other with a certain percentage of accuracy within +/- ____ percentage points. I can’t help but think there are many ways someone could fuck with the system. Let’s just suspend all that and believe.

    I began to think, there are so many of us out here who don’t answer cell calls that show ‘unidentified caller’. Do you answer all the calls? So many of us prefer texts over calls from friends, etc. Who is more likely and less likely to answer these calls. Then who won’t or will take the time for the questions? In my limited experience, and being old enough to remember land lines and no answering machine, I’ve found folks who answer any and calls either have that land line or are older people. ( assumption made here) Younger people No..

    Interestingly, this is an example… when Kamala Harris called Tim Walz to ask him to be her vice president, he didn’t answer the phone because, it it showed unidentified caller.

    This whole train of thought is just one asshole’s attempt to explain the polls. I know it sounds really shallow, but it’s feasible.

    From this hypothesis, I’m thinking drumpf voters are disproportionately older. Could the polls be affected by this.

  19. He doesn’t poll any higher than that either. It’s almost like he’s a cult leader and has lost everyone but the cult.

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