Trump claims he has ‘nothing to do’ with Project 2025. Voters don’t buy that.

Trump claims he has ‘nothing to do’ with Project 2025. Voters don’t buy that.

Posted by Constant_Club6585

  1. Usual bullshit. Quote something, or tell an absolute lie to incite, then claim he has nothing to do with it. But then praises it.

    Edit: A big **thank you** to everyone… there was a troll in the comments who was hitting on several posts in different subs including this one. Everyone’s pressure and call-outs had the troll deleting his account (only lasted like 30 minutes). I especially liked when someone was responding to him in Russian trying to get the troll to respond back lol.

  2. In a recently released secret recording, Russell Vought, one of the main authors of Project 2025, assembled by dozens of former Trump officials with a glowing forward by JD Vance, says former President Donald Trump has “blessed” the project and is “very supportive of what we do.”

    Vought says Trump’s public distancing makes sense, calling it “graduate-level politics”.

    Donald knows he made a big mistake in crowing about it when he was sure he was going to win.

  3. Another Trump lie. His vp running mate JD Vance wrote the foreword to the book about project 2035 written by the former director of the heritage foundation, who created project 2025. I have watched video of Trump from years ago praising project 2025, talking about how he would implement it when he wins again. It is all out there. Trump is a bold faced liar and we all know the real truth.

  4. If the youngins come out to vote, this is gonna be the biggest landslide in the history of our young nation. 

    And it should put an end to the maga movement. 

  5. Do I buy that it’s not his plan? As in, created by him? Sure.

    Do I buy that he’s not completely on board with it? Absolutely not.

  6. Trump has spent his entire life lying and bullshitting people and we are supposed to take him at his word about Project 2025? Yeah, ok.

  7. In the debate Trump said he never read Project 2025 but there were some good things in it. He said this in the same sentence. Even his bullshit is bullshit.

  8. I like how Vance at the exact same time claims that the people behind project 2025 have a big influence on the Republican strategy for a Trump presidency.

    So.. either Vance or Trump is lying.

  9. With JD Vance on the ticket, no sane person can believe that. Of course, it’s the bizarrely large amount of voters that aren’t sane that we have to worry about…

  10. By a show of hands who would believe tRump if he said that I would not allow P2025 to be enacted in my term as president.

  11. PROJECTION is the orange man specialty if he says he doesn’t know about it it means he does. If he says he didn’t do something it means he said it if he says someone did this it means he did it

  12. He helped set the board up so that project 2025 could happen. He keeps showing support for it to the groups that put it in motion, and has almost his entire inner circle as contributors or architects of its various proposals. Maga keeps proclaiming religious doctrine as reason for how it acts, as does project 2025.

    We all know hes lying

  13. I wouldn’t be surprised if he really doesn’t know anything about it because he can’t be bothered to read. It will still be enacted if he is elected while he is out golfing.

  14. I saw a thing earlier that apparently Trump has a near 75% chance of winning electoral college. Fucking how?? Especially after all this shit. Is this true??

  15. Maybe because you can literally watch videos of him on the Heritage Foundation stage and praising them for “*the groundwork and detail plans for exactly what our movement will do*.”

    Complete video and transcript:


    At 46.24

    >*Because our country is going to hell. The critical job of institutions, such as Heritage to lay the groundwork. And Heritage does such an incredible job at that. And I’m telling you, with Kevin and the staff, and I met so many of them now, I took pictures with among the most handsome, beautiful people I’ve ever seen. I didn’t like that picture. If you could lose that picture, please would you Kevin? But this is a great… No, he says I won’t do that.**But this is a great group. And they’re going to lay the groundwork and detail plans for exactly what our movement will do and what your movement will do when the American people give us a colossal mandate to save America and that’s coming. That’s coming. Because nobody can stand what’s happening right now. Only a fool, only a fool or somebody that hates our country could like what’s happening right now.*

  16. Well its true and you can easily fact check that he has nothing to do with it, why is this news or is this more propaganda

  17. You would have to be an idiot to think Trump does not know about it. It is written by a conservative think tank that worships Trump and works with many of his followers. Many of the things Trump is saying he wants to do are things he tried to do in his presidency or said he wanted to do. Many of the things in it are things he talks about at his rallies. He has also claimed that some of it is bad, some of it is good. How would you be able to say any of it is good or bad if you do not know anything about it? Trump is a moron. If this is the platform you want to run on, own it. He won’t because he knows the vast majority of the population sees P25 as a horrible plan.

  18. And now he’s losing enthusiasm from the religious right with his denials of 2025. He still has an amazing amount of support from various groups for various reasons. We really need to show up to vote IN RECORD NUMBERS or Trump will win the election. Let’s not let that happen

  19. Utter bullshit. Even if, and that’s a big if, he’s had nothing to do with it or is not familiar with he should be denouncing at every turn. As a candidate for president, he should be educating himself on the issues, including this one, but he’s such a lazy sack of shit and/or so incompetent he doesn’t

  20. Of course nobody buys that.  Some people pretend they do, but they’re just lying too.

    This one is on the same level as Haitians eating cats and 2020 election fraud.

  21. Being that “Project 2025” is over 900 pages long, I’m pretty sure he has not & will not read it. He however is well aware of it & has said as much. As President, he often skipped his morning briefings or asked them to give him the “Cliff Notes” version. He is not at all interested in doing anything for the average citizen as they do not have the clout that he respects. When the “Apprentice” was on he was a “train wreck” where the producers had to constantly bail him out. Trump is pretty much an incompetent fool who was born into a wealthy family that had to support him to make it look like he was successful. He was not & is not successful in most of what he does

  22. Well, he certainly didn’t write it, and I seriously doubt that he read it, so, in that sense, he’s sort of telling the truth.

    However, we all know that he will do his best to implement it with a big old rubber stamp, and that’s all that matters.

  23. I can easily believe Trump doesn’t know what’s in Project 2025. No way he’s reading that. But all the people in his orbit that are going to be running his administration while he spends his days on the golf course know because they wrote it.

  24. More interested in which dems and republicans are involved in the 2030 agenda.

    Designed to steal the resources of the United States and in practice from the wef already

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