Oil prices could shake up Trump-Harris energy fight. Global oil prices fell this week to the lowest level in nearly three years. Among the factors in oil’s recent slide: record-breaking U.S. production. Trump claims that he could cut energy prices in half by calling an “energy emergency”.

Oil prices could shake up Trump-Harris energy fight. Global oil prices fell this week to the lowest level in nearly three years. Among the factors in oil’s recent slide: record-breaking U.S. production. Trump claims that he could cut energy prices in half by calling an “energy emergency”.

Oil prices could shake up Trump-Harris energy fight

by mafco

  1. The only way he’s cutting gas prices in half is with 15% unemployment and -34% GDP, like Q2 2020… not outside the realm of possibility with the chaos and destruction he brings 

  2. Emergency? What emergency? Both clean energy growth and fossil fuel production are at all time record highs in the US. We’re creating thousands of new good paying clean energy jobs while O&G industry profits are at record highs. The best of both worlds, at least at this point in history.

    The only “emergency” for Trump is his rapidly advancing cognitive decline and his sinking poll numbers.

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