My British friend told me that it’s a legal requirement

My British friend told me that it’s a legal requirement

by msemilyrushton

  1. You also have to make awkward small talk after the “want a brew?” Question, like are you busy at the moment? And trying to find something at the back of your mind that you vaguely know about the job so you can sound a little bit like you know what’s going on.

  2. I don’t drink tea or coffee, I keep both in when we have builders.

    I also kept ice lollies in the freezer when I had roofers here in the summer.

  3. I’m in the trades. I ensure I turn up already hydrated, having already used the toilet, and in need of nothing but being pointed at the job wanting done.

    I don’t think I have ever had a brew at a customer’s place, I’m usually there and gone in far less than an hour, so I don’t tend to need drinks or anything from them, except their patience and prompt payment.

  4. My grandad has always made sure any tradesmen that came to the house were well fed – regular tea breaks, bacon sandwiches, biscuits, whatever was in the house.

    My gran would interrogate them for their life stories – where they were from, whether they were married, had kids, etc.

    Any tradesman was firmly adopted as part of the family for as long as they needed to be in the house.

  5. Oh, absolutely!In Britain, it’s law to have tea at 5, complain about the weather, and queue for anything longer than 3 minutes.If you don’t, a polite yet firm letter from the Queen herself arrives by owl.

  6. It annoys me when I don’t get offered one even if I don’t want one. But I have had to politely turn them down before as not every household has hygiene standards

  7. You’d be surprised how often people don’t offer you a cup of tea. We rarely get offered. I’d say its about 3/10 times.

  8. I treat everyone I invite into my home the same, doesn’t matter if you’re a close friend or a tradie.

    You get water, tea, snacks, can use the loo…
    It’s not an inconvenience and that small gesture might just make their day a bit better 🌸

  9. Just had a job done in the house, the guys have done such a good job, they’ve both got a slab of beer waiting

  10. You have to make tea and let them use the toilet.

    If you give them tea and refuse use of the toilet, that is a cruelty

  11. I always offer tea & coffee , biscuits and even sandwiches if they are doing a long day.
    I’ve found trades will go the extra mile if you are nice and keep them fed and watered.

    Anecdotal, but my husband fits ac and he said if it’s a very expensive house and the owners are well-off, 9/10 they won’t even offer water.

  12. Not me. Don’t drink it, don’t buy it, don’t offer it.

    I’ll offer a glass of water as that’s all I have.

  13. “Yeah real shame about the weather isn’t it, was so sunny last week! The bad weather comes from <name adjacent town>, anyway want a brew?” Is how I go about it

  14. There’s a ratio.

    9/10 offer a drink, which a lot of time I say no to because 9/10 is a lot of coffee, even for me.

    0.9/10 don’t offer, but I don’t mind, people have a lot of shit going on in their lives and making me a drink can be far down on their list of priorities.

    Which leaves

    0.1/10. The cunts. Not that I keep count, but it’s 26 times in 26 years on the tools. They make a drink whilst talking to you and don’t offer. Whether it’s a weird power play or just being fucking clueless I’ll never know.

    But I don’t care, because the 9/10 are sound and the .9/10 don’t mean anything by it.

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