American fighter in Ukraine. all the way from Chicago. Shows his setup/gear

American fighter in Ukraine. all the way from Chicago. Shows his setup/gear

by PuzzleheadedHyena943

  1. To be completely honest, I think this is a gadget soldier. He assumes he’ll be in a situation where he can use his grenades exactly as planned and won’t run out of them.

  2. Also my dude needs to add side plates if he isn’t going with a traditional IBA style vest – frag risk is too fucking high

  3. I was a grenadier also, we called the belt with the 40mm the war belt. I could pump 15 rounds a minute with one easily. Good times.

  4. Honest question, does having explosives strapped around your center of mass like that not make you al go boom if you get lit up?

    Are the grenades designed in a way that they can’t delete unless armed a specific way?

  5. I’ve noticed war invloves a lot of pockets. I hope he stays safe, kills a lot of orcs, and comes back to his family safely and alive!

  6. Thank you for fighting & putting your life on the line for Ukraine! Stay safe & get as many orcs as u can! 🇨🇦🇺🇦🇺🇸

  7. And Pro-Russian Propagandists claim that NAFO Members are fat losers living underneath their parents basement.

    Reality is… they are sane people who don’t want to be assholes like the much more assholes like fanatic Russians.

  8. Those magazine pouches look significantly more comfortable than what we got as conscripts in the Estonian Defense Forces.. Most of the effort in reloading with those was opening the damn pouch cover, trying to pull one of the tightly packed magazines out and then messing with the clips to close it again..

  9. My mans cool as an autumn breeze with it.

    Much love for helping put those invading bastards down hero, Slava Ukraini.

  10. That’s the American mindset and bravery in front of evil I always loved about you guys. Thank you brother! Macht die Orks fertig! Slava Ukraini.

  11. 15 mags??? The US army is still preaching a standard loadout of 7 mags. I’ve heard from other Ukrainian fighters that laugh, stating 7 mags doesn’t last them a day.

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