The warriors from the Presidential Brigade repulsed a massive russian attack in the Pokrovsk direction and turned russian tanks into scrap metal.

The warriors from the Presidential Brigade repulsed a massive russian attack in the Pokrovsk direction and turned russian tanks into scrap metal.

by Exotic-Strawberry667

  1. There are som many great news to see here. Not only the tank kills, but the non-existing soldiery we see here. Never seen such a dense tank formation… now it’s time to ask why.

    1) Experienced troops would never bunch up like that. So this means that this unit got deliveries of armor, but there were no experienced soldiers to drive them.
    2) The commander tolerated this clustering. Either he was incompetent too, or he needed to keep an eye on every vehicle at every time. This translates to either incompetence amongst the crews, again, or to failed morale (if the commander cannot see the vehicles with his own eyes, they will not attack).

    It seems like the ruzzian bear has been shot in the guts. There is no recovery from trying to wage war while being this useless.

  2. The downside is that the scrap metal industry in Ukraine is going to be flooded for years!

  3. Mordor is going to end up even more of a swampy pit than it already is, and I didn’t think that was possible. Folks, this is what happens in a dictatorship where the dictator is so out of touch with his country, focusing purely on stealing as much as he can from it, to understand what’s going on. And putler screwed himself, you don’t succeed by killing the messenger, maintaining fear, manifesting nothing but propaganda, and ensuring people are too afraid to tell you the truth about things. He dug his own grave, it’s sad for the innocent people in Mordor who aren’t orcs.

  4. Thank goodness putler ordered the training brigades to be disbanded and their manpower sent to the front.

    Who knew such a wise decision would reap such a favourable harvest. Who could have anticipated this

    Glory to Ukraine!

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