Calling rich people stupid and screaming into the void that he hates Taylor Swift… Interesting strategy.

Calling rich people stupid and screaming into the void that he hates Taylor Swift… Interesting strategy.

Posted by espionagedb7

  1. As Will Rogers(early 20th century US entertainer/humorist) said a century ago:

    * “Republicans take care of big money, for big money takes care of them.”

    * “The whole trouble with the Republicans is their fear of an increase in income tax, especially on higher incomes.”

    Still true today.

  2. It’s sad that there are people in this country who still believe that trump is anything more than a hysterical man-child

  3. His supporters at this point should just admit they are voting for him because he’s the white man. There is literally no other remotely rational reason than can be given.

  4. It’s not surprising that Trump finds the wealthy, who would rather support their country above extending their own wealth, stupid.

    It’s the kind of person he is, and when somebody is different, his brain doesn’t comprehend.

  5. It’s funny how everyone forgets the top tier tax rate in the US was well above 50% up until the 70’s/80’s. And the country GREW!

  6. He has an atrocious record on predicting the future when it doesn’t involve him in power.

    Vote Blue!

  7. “Unrealized tax on capital gains” sounds a lot like a theoretical degree in physics. Fantastic! 😂

  8. Wonder what Donald thinks was the cause of the Great Depression or even the Great Recession. Surly he thinks its the poors fault

  9. Unrealized tax on capital gains??? It’s a tax on unrealized capital gains… Trump is making Biden look competent

  10. I’m sure Taylor Swift has some of the best security in the world but I hope they are extra viligant. His followers are insane.

  11. Delicious 🤤
    I am enjoying its mental break and watching its enablers, squirming, just BS straight to camera to justify it

  12. He’s also warning “hey all you rich people, if you vote democrat, they’ll tax all us rich people!!! Do you really want that? It’ll suck for all us rich people, even though we’re rich enough to not really notice!”

  13. He hates her but he used an AI to make it look like she endorsed him. He hates her but he’s copying her Eras tour merch for his campaign. He hates her but he can’t stop posting about her. He wanted her endorsement and now that he didn’t get it he’s throwing a trumpertantrum.


  14. Fun fact: she’s increasing the additional tax for top earners, which means the average American will not see an increase in this particular tax

  15. It took me less than a minute to looks up “unrealized capital gains tax” and figure out his second tweet is absolute horse shit

  16. Trump claims to hate “communism” and “communists”, but he has zero problems posting tweets using a communist made phone through communist made modems/routers through communist made switches on communist made servers on communist made hard drives through communist made ethernet cables transmitted by communist made Wi-Fi devices so you can read it on your communist main device.

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