Posted by Felonious_T

  1. Ohh Noo.. trumplethinskin is angry… I don’t see TS as a hateful person, but in this case I think the feeling is mutual

  2. Taylor Swift can’t hear him over the sound of all the money she’s making (legitimately, and without having to pay lawyers and the Russians).

  3. I feel like we’re in grade school again. This is supposed to be a world leader?

    We’re not that far away from Loomer-tumor making those origami finger-fortune tellers to advise Trump.

  4. What a moron. Dude can’t let anything go. Prolonging a fight with one of the world’s most popular entertainers is not the strategic masterstroke he thinks it is.

  5. Loomers is posting like it’s some badge of honor. Can’t believe anyone would blow someone who never showers.

  6. ‘Taylor kicks rocks and cries, sniffling as she knows her career will be destroyed by his ugly words of commendation…NOT!’ 🤣

  7. I look forward to being able to say “FUCK TRUMP, FUCK TRUMPISTS!” with the same cadence that neo-nazis do the seig heil chant when Convicted Felon Trump loses. Not that I don’t do that 10 times every morning anyway, but it will feel extra good when Harris wins.

  8. Trump blows the debate ——-> incites cat eating racist frenzy in Ohio

    Ohio racist theory debunked ———> “I hate Taylor Swift!”

    The Gish gallop is exhausting

  9. The irony is she did not tell her fans to vote for Harris. She encouraged her fans to do their own research, register to vote, and support the candidate that represented them. It is a very reasonable position to trust her fans to make their own decisions. People that disagree are not enemies.

    This is just more evidence that MAGA is about control.

  10. Guys not to be that guy but acting like he just threw the election is wild. Look at RCP which is just an amalgamation of all the polls. They had him winning until Friday when they flipped their Pennsylvania prediction back to her. It’s still only a 0.1 Harris lead and the way the polls are right now have her winning the election by a slim margin of 276-262. All he would need is Nevada, another state that is extremely competitive to flip if he loses PA and he wins 270-268. Trump has also historically outperformed his polling numbers so if it’s this close that’s not good. Acting like this is over is ignorant of what’s actually happening.

  11. Seditionist Trash Trump throwing a tantrum, like the whiny little bastard he is

    Let the meltdowns continue

    It is a sight to behold…I fucking love it

    Megan Kelly screaming that Taylor, condones mutilations of children’s limbs. Maggots are a bunch of pathetic clowns…liars…idiots…and anti American losers

  12. He really blew it. The Swifties will assemble & they’ll go hard. Ms. Swift didn’t tell anyone who to vote for. She told her fans to register & do their own research. Trump must not want his supporters to do their own research. Why is that? ( we all know why)

  13. I cannot wait for the prison staff to order this assclown around. For the entirety of his 78 year old life, he’s never been told no. When he dies in prison, it makes me giddy to think about his money and power being irrelevant. He will be locked in a cell and he will be a nobody. For as much pain and division he’s caused, he deserves much worse. But it’s the ending I’m dreaming into existence. This evil fucker is cooked. Hey Donald Dump, I heard Big dick Bubba needs a cellie.😂🍆😂🍆

  14. We have two choices this election, the fascist crazy train with tRump or common decency with Kamala.

  15. This guy is a fucking child.

    I dont care if you dont like kamala or dem policies. That is your opinion and you are entitled to it.

    But when the other choice is this dumpster fire of a human being, i cannot take anyone voting for this petulant shitstain seriously in any type of conversation.

  16. No matter what, remember voting is how we win this. Let’s not repeat 2016! Vote vote vote!

  17. This just showcases how pathetic and insecure he is. Remember a few weeks ago when he happily “retweeted” (or whatever the fuck it’s called these days), an AI endorsement by her? What happened??

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