They hate us cause they ain’t us

They hate us cause they ain’t us

by High_Bird

  1. Chad France and UK taking banter 24/7


    Virgin Switzerland who cant take 3 posts about them (they are almost great part always forgotten on the sub)

    P.S: you made an Italian defending UK and France… so fuck you!

  2. You have beautiful mountains, and awe inspiring nature. I’ll give you that.

    But also an absolute disgusting sense of neutrality, no coastline, and a language that’s somehow worse than Dutch and Danish combined.

    Also the lack of sea access would really piss me off. So no thanks.

  3. Oh yes definitely, I want to get fined 500€ because I was going 3 km/h over the speed limit. Seems like a real fun country especially considering that you guys also banned all motorsports for some reason.

  4. I strongly support that wall. Best thing about it: we can build giant catapults to toss the idiotic human ballast over there who actually want to live there, while being safe from encountering a swiss ourselves

  5. I don’t know why I would want to move to a country with inferior nature?

    They do deserve everything bad coming to them for their crimes against chocolate though

  6. Why would I want to live in a country that’s more similar to the US than European countries, with people that make the Dutch seem friendly and generous?

  7. I have never met anyone that thinks this about Switzerland lol. You live in a shit bowl that’s sustained on international tax dodging. The only positive thing about your country is your land itself.

  8. I have never in my life even had the smallest need or want to see, visit, let alone live in Switzerland

  9. Wonder how long switzerland would last without begging if the EU actually closed the borders (of course including airspace) to them.

  10. It is perhaps just best to never mention the Swiss at all, since all they will do is act like edgy children whenever we dare to poke fun at them.

  11. My brother in swissness, we are supposed to be neutral, why are you out here starting shit with our only fuckin neighbor?

  12. Despits not having the correct forms for laughing and humor, I am thoroughly enjoying the roast in the comment section

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