Microsoft Secretly Selling AI to Fossil Fuel Companies While Bragging About Environmental Progress

Microsoft Secretly Selling AI to Fossil Fuel Companies While Bragging About Environmental Progress

by manual_tranny

1 comment
  1. The O&G sector has quietly become one of the most efficient and tech-advanced sectors. Most out of necessity, going back to 2015/16 when oil price plunged and all companies had to lean up/consolidate.

    I worked in O&G 10+ yrs ago, moved to software around then, and have found it interesting that my old O&G buddies are sharing ai software to me I wasn’t even aware of (used to be the reverse, i.e. them asking me). For ex [this random one]( for finding biz, but besides the point I feel like I’ve noticed this sentiment change not most see for people who have been in O&G past 15 years …b/c they’ve seen a lot.

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