Another dickhead for the collection

Craigavon full of arseholes parking in multiple spaces. Seen this in Rushmere today when there were hardly any free spaces…

Again, the picture doesn't do it justice

by Rough_Recover_3500

  1. The arsehole is the person who designed this car park. The left space is not fit for purpose so he might as well park like that to protect his doors

  2. typical BMW driver. Scumbag. Respect the license plate not being hidden. Knobs like this should be exposed.

  3. In fairness, the space on the left as we look at it is unusable, so they may as well park there, although it does appear they’re over the line behind them as well.

  4. When i see cars parked like this i get into my car and wank into a few tissues then smear it under their door handle. I call it “spunk smearing” and its considered very high brow in the aristocracy circles i run in

  5. What’s’ the difference between a hedgehog and a BMW?

    On a hedgehog, the pricks are on the outside

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