Playing a Board Game from a Charity Shop for the first time, the previous owner has altered the question cards with a biro

So the game is called 'A Question of Scruples', the previous owner has altered the scenarios for the game in sometimes unusual ways.

by marccass

  1. “Your partner put the milk in first when making tea. Do you dig the grave 6 feet deep? Or go for a burial at sea?”.

  2. My parents had a copy of this, it must have been printed before I was born because I remember it from early childhood and I highly doubt my parents would have bought it themselves, it was likely gifted to them. Based on that, this game is getting on for 40 years old at least so you have to remember things like gay school teachers and 16 year old girls going on the pill were a lot more controversial then than they are now.

  3. These questions are so weird, both the original and altered versions. Does the box say anything about who created this or why?

  4. Sounds like the game you bring when you want to interrogate someone on their stance without directly asking them

  5. if anyone is curious how to play Scruples:

    >Players are given five yellow cards apiece, each yellow card with a moral dilemma such as, “You accidentally damage a car in a parking lot. Do you leave a note with your name and phone number?” Each player also has a single red card, with either “YES”, “NO”, or “DEPENDS” printed upon it. The player must ask the question on a yellow card of the person whom the holder of the yellow card believes most likely to reply with the answer on the questioner’s red card. The game thus tests how well players know each other.

    >If the answer matches that on the red card, the questioner discards both yellow card and red card, then takes another red card. The game is won by the player who first discards all five of his yellow cards

  6. At least some of those original questions are really outdated.

    It looks like the old owner was trying to make them less weird and also more controversial?

    It does not seem like a great game to play with friends. You will definitely find serious ideological rifts in your relationship.

  7. Based on the required moral shiteness for the original questions to really work as a game, I’d guess those cards were first published in… 1980 maybe?

    The updates indicate some social progress, but they can’t be *too* recent given the card in the middle of the bottom row… I can’t see anyone these days turning down £110k (or even 10k) for that lol. Maybe late 90s/early 00s.


    This is a game from the 80s(?) where players take it in turns to ask someone a moral dilemma such as *“if your daughter wanted to marry someone from a different race would you try and convince them not to?”* and players are limited on what they can answer. You then debate if the person made a strong enough case for their answer and whoever can do so the most wins.

    It’s surprisingly not bad and my family play it most Christmas’s.

    It looks like the previous owner tried to update/balance some of the more outdated ones and tbh it looks great.

  9. As if Christmas isn’t stressful enough already, then this… Charges of affray to follow imminently.

  10. I think I saw this game in a spoons before. We got it out and the first question we read was would you hire a teacher that is gay. We were like wtf when is this game from… The 80s I think

  11. These questions are ridiculous.

    You see a helpless puppy about to be crushed to death, do you slightly move your finger to save it or watch it slowly die? HMMM

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