Poland Proposes Ending EU Welfare for Ukrainian Men to Boost Military Return. Poland’s FM proposes ending welfare for Ukrainian men to boost their return to military service and urged other EU countries to do the same, noting Poland doesn’t offer refugee benefits.

Poland Proposes Ending EU Welfare for Ukrainian Men to Boost Military Return. Poland’s FM proposes ending welfare for Ukrainian men to boost their return to military service and urged other EU countries to do the same, noting Poland doesn’t offer refugee benefits.


by MaryADraper

  1. We should arm and train Ukrainians so they are not at a massive disadvantage on the front line. That will do wonders for recruitment.
    Its shameful that in the 3rd year of the war, Ukrainian lives are still being spend so cheaply.
    Separately we should end these asylum policies.

  2. Rudyard Kipling sums this up far more eloquently than I can…

    I could not dig; I dared not rob:
    Therefore I lied to please the mob.
    Now all my lies are proved untrue
    And I must face the men I slew.
    What tale shall serve me here among
    Mine angry and defrauded young?

  3. Thats a brilliant idea, lets send all the men back to Ukraine to fight in the war! Trained and equipped by us including heavy weapon systems, AA, Tanks and whatever else they need.

    If we send them off to die, at least send them as equipped and prepared as possible!

  4. I doubt this would get anyone to return. They left to not die, not to flee poverty like other migrants.

  5. People that don’t want to fight make excellent soldiers as we have seen in Donbas where they ran away and allowed Russia to advance. But perhaps Poland wants Ukraine to use barrier troops that shoot those that try to flee?

  6. Poland doesn’t need to give Ukrainians benefits because they actually can and want to work. The switch from Ukrainian to polish is quick and easy for most Ukrainians.

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