Tata Steel closure leaves 2,800 out of work – but could net bosses millions in profit

Tata Steel closure leaves 2,800 out of work – but could net bosses millions in profit


by 457655676

  1. Ah it’s the old stupid government deals that come with massive backhanders trick again.

  2. Choosing inefficient manufacturing methods for the sake of keeping people in work is only going to slow down progression… this is one where I agree with their decision. 

  3. average uk industrial story for the past 40 years (please for the love of God nationally invest in some industry)

  4. Foreign business buys up the competition and just shuts it down. Madness that we are letting this happen.

  5. The owners should be made to remove and remediate any areas of the plant no longer required. This should carry into the future too. If it’s not a major employer, Port Talbot would benefit hugely from having not being dominated by that vast installation.

  6. Been hearing this for like a decade. Why have most of these people not attempted to find employement elsewhere in this time? They are on borrowed time. Obviously job losses are terrible and its not that easy to change careers, but come on now, show some sense and initiative. The steel industry is doomed

  7. Weird how when the state owned vital infrastructure and public services we could build things like Concord and the Channel Tunnel.

    Now foreign states and private corporations own everything, nothing works and we can’t build anything.

  8. How did those strikes work out for you? Marginally higher pay for a few years and now you’re unemployed.

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