Couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy

Couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy

Posted by LakesideNorth

  1. It’s not really a fiasco for the MAGAts, they probably love her as much as Stephen Miller, and he’s basically the Gobbles of our time…

  2. It ain’t going to change anything. Magats aren’t going to abandon him. If his lies haven’t his felony’s or any of the the racist things he says, this they will just add to the growing pile and say it was debunked and is lies.

  3. It’s not going to change the folks voting for him. This basically has no affect on his campaign

  4. What comes first?

    She has a tweet rant riddled with the N word

    She outs Trumpy on their affair

    She gets so much plastic injected into her dumb face that her eyes swell shut


  5. But is he losing any real support over this? I doubt it.

    The battle lines are established and hardened. If they haven’t left him by now, this isn’t going to move the needle.

  6. Maybe picking a guy who has no impulse control as your party presidential nominee is not that good of an idea.

  7. How do we not realize by now that this shit is all part of the plan? One outrageous thing after another to take up news cycles so we don’t talk about their horrendous policies. They know their base gives zero fucks.

  8. All I’m saying is that if she winds up suddenly 2.5 times taller and can break bricks w her jumps.. we’ll know what happened.

  9. The entertainment value is high if disgusting, when the Republican party (MAGA) resorts to cannibalism. ( Pardon the Laura Loomer reference)

  10. Not sure this is a bad thing for him. Nobody’s talking about how poorly he performed in the debate before chickening out on another one, and we’ve already established his voters don’t care about his infidelity so he’s happier for them to talk about this.

  11. Guys, pay no attention to the Loomer shit. This is bait started by Loomer and Fuentes and probably some buy in from the Trump campaign. It makes Trump look powerful to his base if he’s fucking someone young enough to be his granddaughter, and libs talking about it distracts everyone from that dog-walking that Harris gave him last week where he looked weak as shit.

    This is the kind of scandal that they love. Not the wussing out of a second debate that it’s meant to distract from.

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